
A strong national defense is vital in a post-9/11 world. That includes comprehensive border security. In keeping us safe, the government may be tempted to overreach in ways disturbing to those of us who value our liberty above all else. Spying on Americans in the name of security is unacceptable. Finding the right balance between our national security and our freedoms is essential in keeping Americans safe from terrorists who want to kill us because they hate our way of life.

I recently questioned the U.S. State Department's Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland on the Biden administration's capitulation to Putin on the Russian pipeline Nord Stream 2, which if completed would...
These appropriations will fund projects that are outdated and underfunded, and every dollar awarded allows for a better equipped military and a better served veteran population.
Over the last year, Americans watched as peaceful, legitimate protests were infiltrated by Antifa’s violence and extremism. The looting and riots that ensued in 2020 at the hands of Antifa have no place in this country.
Yesterday at a House Armed Services Committee Budget Hearing on the Navy Fiscal Year 2022 Budget, I pressed Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Harker on why he signed a recent memo that calls for the Navy to “Defund Sea-...
Abbott has not fully detailed the plan yet, but he said in a podcast interview released Tuesday that the state will be soliciting donations from across the country to help fund the wall.
Biden’s top-line budget does not keep up with inflation and results in cuts, which creates concern for future development and capabilities of our Armed Services.
Texas governor Greg Abbott announced Thursday that the state will begin erecting its own border barriers because the Biden administration is failing “to do its job” on the border and protect Americans from lawlessness.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized a load of smuggled semi-automatic rifles during an attempt to cross into Mexico from Texas. The officers seized eight rifles and magazines.
Having a birthday does not erase a person’s violent history which is why I introduced this legislation to prevent proven aggressive offenders from having access to guns.
America’s critical infrastructure is under attack. Last month, hackers crippled our gas distribution operations, and this weekend an enormous U.S. food supplier was successfully targeted by bad actors.
U.S. Senators Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and I recently released the following statements after introducing the Taiwan Partnership Act, which would establish a partnership between the U.S. National Guard and Taiwanese...
We have to make sure these enemies of the state, enemies of America, remain where they are. It is so critical that Guantanamo Bay stays part of our national security aspect.
Generations of North Texans have worked tirelessly to manufacture America’s national security, including over 18,000 people working at the F-35 production facility today. The 12th District is also home to Naval Air Station...
U.S. military scrambled fighter jets in response to the Russian Navy conducting what Moscow officials called its largest exercise in the Pacific Ocean since the end of the Cold War.
Direct Chinese investment in the U.S. economy is a major threat to the American way of life and requires that we take serious action to thwart the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from ever seizing control of strategically...
On Saturday, I issued the following statement in response to a shooting in downtown Austin, leaving at least thirteen people wounded.
We must stand united with the Jewish community, especially during a wave of heightened animosity. We ought to fight against all forms of antisemitism and ensure the safety of Jewish Americans on U.S. soil.
In order to ensure that our National Guard is able to answer our states’ and our nation’s toughest calls, our troops need the adequate resources, including the proper rotation, retention and recruitment of personnel in the...
Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law a slate of legislation Tuesday that targets protesters and restricts cities’ abilities to reduce police budgets.
President Biden’s defense budget was way late and billions of dollars short. Military leaders repeatedly warned that the U.S. cannot defend against the growing aggression of adversaries like China without adequate defense...



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