Tea Party
September 6th, 2012
In this letter to the editor of the Conroe Courier, Bill O'Sullivan's message embodies what is best about Americans and why we work as hard as we do. His actions on behalf of our Tea Party have been true and honorable, like...
August 20th, 2012
Local grassroots leaders from the red states of Texas and Tennessee today announced the launch of Volunteers for Virginia, an independent get-out-the-vote project that will support Virginians in defeating Obama in...
July 17th, 2012
Whoever will not receive you or listen to your words – go outside that house or town and shake the dust from your feet.Matthew 10:14REELECT JUSTICE DAVID MEDINA
June 17th, 2012
Marine Captain Dan Moran, an American hero and Iraq war veteran, was introduced to us when he endorsed Governor Rick Perry in a TV ad and now he has chosen to endorse Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst for the US Senate seat. Everyone...
June 1st, 2012
The Texas Patriots PAC extends our heartiest congratulations to each of the candidates we supported during this Primary campaign!We determined that it was not enough to fight the good fight and lose: we chose to fight the...
May 25th, 2012
Lord Monckton was spotted at The Woodlands early voting polls on Thursday! He stopped by to express his admiration of the work that U.S. citizens in Tea Party organizations like Texas Patriots PAC are doing to get involved...
May 20th, 2012
“If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”, has been around forever, but this is a little late in coming. It is so interesting that there are now at least three different versions of the silly yellow flier.
May 12th, 2012
Julie Turner, President of the Texas Patriots PAC, sets an example and stresses the importance of getting out the vote in local elections like today's election for the Woodlands Township Board of Directors. Voting ends...
April 2nd, 2012
A Texas based judge with deep, overt ties to the Democratic Party has ruled that an anti-voter fraud organization--‘True the Vote’--is not a non-profit corporation as they claim, but instead an illegal front group for the...
March 6th, 2012
Texas Patriot PAC President Julie Turner Commemorates Andrew Breitbart:Every now and then, we get lucky enough to see a shooting star and we watch in wonder as it makes its way across the sky.
September 4th, 2012
When Clint Eastwood took the stage at the Republican National Convention last week, few had any idea his remarks would become an iconic attack on the Obama Presidency. Yet in the following 11 minutes an empty chair could...
August 20th, 2012
Last month, Jeff Sadighi and the Southeast Texas Tea Party organized a Health Care Town Hall.Little did they know that their Obamacare Forum would lead to national attention.This Texas Healthcare Forum made big waves after a...
July 17th, 2012
Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against your NeighborREELECT JUSTICE DAVID MEDINA
June 14th, 2012
[Editor’s note: Mark Ramsey was a member of the State GOP Platform committee in 2010 and 2012, and was also elected to the State Republican Executive Committee from Senate District 7 (SREC SD7), Senator Dan Patrick’s...
May 29th, 2012
Last week I had the opportunity to interview Lord Monckton in The Woodlands, Texas, during a brief stop he made in the course of his recent trip to the U.S. In our meeting, Lord Monckton spoke in depth about three topics....
May 22nd, 2012
Does your mailbox look like mine? Overflowing with ads from candidates for the primary election? Stuffed with slates from various groups and organizations? Now then, are you ready to vote? Now you must walk through the...
May 13th, 2012
Our series of interviews exploring South Texas Politics continues in McAllen Texas as I interview Mr. Chuck Stewart, President, McAllen Tea Party Association. I was surprised to learn this, but the Tea Party is strong and...
May 11th, 2012
Full Resolution Township BallotIts easy to focus on the guy at the top of the ballot, but the elections at the bottom have a much greater impact on our day to day lives. Local elections can dictate how and where we interact...
March 21st, 2012
The Hill Country Tea Party Patriots held a Senate District 25 candidates forum in New Braunfels and the audience was eager to hear what the candidates had to say. Dr. Donna Campbell is challenging Texas Senator Jeff...
March 5th, 2012
Numerous news outlets reported recently that conservative coalitions and organizations from Hawaii to Virginia, including Tea Party groups, the Ohio Liberty Council, the Kentucky 9/12 project, and many others that applied to...