Tony Gonzales

On Wednesday I spoke on the House floor to highlight October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. As a child, I spent time in domestic violence shelters after me and my mother left an abusive home.Watch my full...
As the fifth largest producer for organic products in the country, Texas farmers and ranchers have significantly invested in growing their organic operation. Suspending the TDA’s Organic Certification Program would limit the...
For many folks, a tax increase isn’t just the difference between a few less dollars in their pockets every month; it’s the difference between keeping their family farm or being forced to sell it.
As travel returns to normalcy across the state, it is crucial that our airports have the appropriate resources they need to operate efficiently and effectively to accommodate all passengers.
On Monday I joined fellow members of the bipartisan For Country Caucus for a press conference to urge President Biden to keep U.S. troops on the ground until all Americans and allies are evacuated from Afghanistan.
This school will play a critical role in raising the next generation of leaders and I appreciate the hard work of those who made this a reality.
As we have seen from multiple cyber and ransomware attacks this year, the United States government currently lacks access to digital expertise. The organization of the National Digital Reserve Corps strives to fill that void...
I am thrilled to announce funding for our water conservation infrastructure projects, energy research programs, and carbon dioxide removal resources.
Too often, veterans in our rural communities are left behind after honorably serving our country. I am excited to see such a significant investment in this year’s Appropriations bill go to addressing the issue of veterans...
I am excited to see the inclusion of many helpful initiatives to our agricultural and rural communities in this bill.
As we work with our partners in the Senate to decide on the final version of the bill, I will fight to ensure any red flag provisions are removed from the bill.
The National Digital Reserve Corps harnesses the power of private sector digital, AI, and cybersecurity experts to bolster the cybersecurity efforts of our federal government.
Small businesses are crucial to fueling our local economy. This funding will help small business owners lease office space, get help from local business owners, and relocate within the city districts.
The deadline needs to be that the United States doesn't leave Afghanistan until all Americans come home.
It's men and women that are willing to raise their hands and put themselves in harm's way, that makes our country so great.
The funds provided in this Appropriations bill will be critical for supporting the defense priorities in our district and strengthening our national defense.
I am proud to have provided these funds for our hard-working men and women in blue. This funding will allow for better trained officers, better resources and ultimately, a better served community.
I am thrilled to see such a significant investment from HHS to Del Rio. As a former member of the San Antonio Head Start Policy Council, I understand how vital the Head Start programs are to ensuring our kids have access to...
I spoke during the markup to highlight how crucial it is to ensure that federal taxpayer dollars are not used to fund abortion procedures.
These appropriations will fund projects that are outdated and underfunded, and every dollar awarded allows for a better equipped military and a better served veteran population.



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