
A strong national defense is vital in a post-9/11 world. That includes comprehensive border security. In keeping us safe, the government may be tempted to overreach in ways disturbing to those of us who value our liberty above all else. Spying on Americans in the name of security is unacceptable. Finding the right balance between our national security and our freedoms is essential in keeping Americans safe from terrorists who want to kill us because they hate our way of life.

I will always vote in favor of a strong border, deterring our adversaries, and pragmatic solutions for TX-24
Ukraine, its people, and its leaders will not survive if we settle for half-measures and delay.
The angry mob was not there to debate or discuss the issues, and they were not there to support the first amendment right to free speech. The mob of hundreds were there to create violence and disruption and to shout down...
If you know someone currently stuck in Ukraine, please reach out to my office. We will do everything in our power to assist in a safe and swift evacuation.
The warnings of possible retaliation from members of the Gulf Cartel follow the arrest in recent days of a key leader.
Bearing arms in self-defense is a human right. It is evident from the ATF’s behavior that, under Joe Biden’s Department of Justice, the agency is hellbent on attacking the Second Amendment through every means at its disposal...
The United States must impose devastating sanctions against Putin's interests, including immediate and mandatory sanctions permanently putting an end to his Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
We are lucky to have NSA Texas right here in San Antonio and it was great to hear their plans to recruit talented folks from the area.
This goes much deeper than an unethical entry into my office by Capitol police. This is a violation of Members’ right to speech and debate, as well as a 4th amendment violation.
Fortunately, Hidalgo and Garcia are on the ballot in March - hopefully they lose their primaries or get beat in November.
“The importation of unregulated pork products has the potential to introduce foreign animal diseases which can be detrimental to our nation’s agriculture industry.”
Then I realized…he was going to leave his family and go up the stairs, get his helmet, weapon, flack jacket, and goggles and join his fellow soldiers in fighting the Russian military hand to hand. He was going to leave them…...
A Texas software developer and a cook in British Columbia are among dozens of Americans and Canadians answering Ukraine's call for foreign volunteers to fight Russia's invasion.
Texas is well-positioned to grow even more as a leader in the domestic semiconductor arena and I will continue fighting in Congress to increase our semiconductor manufacturing capacity to support economic growth, secure...
Russian forces invaded Ukraine Thursday, assaulting by land, sea and air in the biggest attack by one state against another in Europe since World War II.
As a former federal prosecutor, I don't need to look at the case files here to know that 19 Austin police officers are being politically targeted by a radical leftist district attorney after being targeted by a radical...
Our visit gave us greater insight on the incredible capabilities of the F-35 and the advancements being made to ensure we have the best fighter fleet in the world.
The bill will provide grant funding to put an additional 100,000 law enforcement officers on the streets over the next five years.
At a time when Iran is targeting the United States and our allies across the Middle East, the Biden administration is dismantling sanctions to allow them to build up their nuclear program.
Spokeswoman Jen Psaki and other admin had in the last week or more doubled down on the word even as Ukraine's President Zelensky openly disputed the alarmist assessment, essentially telling Biden directly to 'calm down' the...



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