Bob Price

One year ago today, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and U.S. Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were killed during an attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi. One...
The State of Texas is missing out on millions of dollars of tax revenue and Texas parents are losing millions in child support payments because of the failure to deal with payroll fraud and employee misclassification and the...
The race to replace Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, who is now running to be Governor of Texas, is certainly becoming one of the most interesting races for Republican voters in the 2014 Primary. It is imperative that we...
Once again, President Barack Obama ignores the Constitution and skirts the legislative process of legally creating laws by issuing two new executive orders. The idiocy of this is neither of the new executive orders relating...
It was clear from the beginning of the trial at Fort Hood that Army Major Nidal Hasan, the now convicted and sentenced murdering terrorist of the massacre at Fort Hood, wanted to receive the death penalty. Many believe this...
It seems a trend of judicial activism is growing in our federal courts. Judges have apparently learned they can advance their own agenda through what appears to be a new form of judicial activism - doing nothing! Judge...
As former chairman of the Texas Workforce Commissioner, Tom Pauken is no stranger to the pages of TexasGOPVote. Pauken has been a news contributor for this website nearly from its inception in 2009. Now Pauken has taken on a...
TexasGOPVote was strongly against the passage of the City of Houston Charter Change (Stop Prop 1) that was pushed by Mayor Annise Parker and certain special interest-fed city council members like Stephen Costello, Oliver...
At their core, anti-immigration groups like the Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, ALIPAC and the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), were founded by and to this day are backed by left-wing...
Thank God our Congress has solved all of the massive problems facing this country so that we can now worry about what to do about artifact piracy... ON THE MOON! Yes, it seems scandal-ridden Congresswoman Eddie Bernice...
On the morning of September 11, 2001, NYPD Police Officer Walter Weaver was scheduled to be off work. Instead, he filled in for another police officer. After the 9/11 terrorists crashed their planes into the World Trade...
The construction industry is rampant with workers who are misclassified as independent contractors when they are really employees, according to a study by the University of Texas. Workers who are misclassified are often...
Along the border between Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Canada, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Service has deployed a new boat dedicated to the memory of slain U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Terry grew up in...
Throughout the history of Christianity, churches have been involved in helping people who are down on their luck or in a bad situation. Often this help is provided in the form of food and shelter. Apparently local...
The battle cry goes far and wide... No Amnesty, No Way, No How! Great! I am with you 1000%. Absolutely no amnesty. But wait, no one is asking for amnesty. So why is it that you hear someone parroting this mantra of "No...
TexasGOPVote has been reporting on issues regarding wage theft, payroll fraud and employee misclassification for several years now. Recently the Texas Legislature passed legislation to help clamp down on some companies that...
Last week, CNN asked if the "Young Republican" are "The Republicans of the Future?" Many would say that is a resounding YES! Last week, the National Federation of Young Republicans held their annual meeting in Mobile,...
Perhaps Democrats are right about guns getting into the wrong hands. In Cleburne, Texas (Johnson County), the "wrong hands" would include an intoxicated Democrat County Chairman.
In 2011, Debbie Georgatos coined the phrase "Super Massive Blue Hole" to define the effect on cities that are controlled over long periods of time by liberal Democrat governments and policies.  She named Detroit as the...
Much has been said about Florida Senator Marco Rubios decision to stand solidly for immigration reform and stronger border security. The man who became an overnight hero with strong conservatives has been labeled a sellout...



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