Phil Vasile

During many conversations regarding politics today, person-A will refer to ‘they’, which is typically followed by person-B asking, “And who are ‘they’?”  The answers to this question are often difficult to respond with...
We in America face a number of threats worth our time and attention in preventing.  Every day we see more threats in the news we’ve identified previously, and new ones too often that we wouldn’t have anticipated.
I’ve often said that California leads our nation in trends (primarily because of Hollywood). They’ve had an impact on the entire world at times.  But Texas is also a strong influence on parts of our country.  It has...
As you know, our society is changing, in numerous ways.  One of those changes is perspective — how we view and process things.  Perspective is developed during our lives from our parents, schools, work life, religion, and...
In the interest of bringing not so popular information to your attention, I thought you might find the article below of interest.  Besides all of the currently known positive features of nuclear plants, there is yet...
The term “the quiet before the storm” comes to mind when thinking about Islamic terrorism.  Although the FBI has foiled numerous plots to kill Americans, catching most of them just isn’t good enough.  And...
Since Michelle came out with her view on raising children, everyone has been racking their brain trying to understand what the heck she was trying to say.  I’ve heard a lot of explanations for her ‘logic’, but none...
Our American society does not recognize that we have been under ‘assault’ in this country for decades. Our way of life is being changed insidiously every week in ways that escapes us. Yet people seem to remain calm...
As a kid, I found a common game to play (especially for boys) was ‘King of the mountain’.  The idea was that everyone would gather around a mound of dirt and one or two kids would get on top.  The objective of the game was...
Several years ago we heard the words, “We’re only five days away from fundamentally transforming this nation”.  And now ladies and gentlemen, we are much closer.
Are you part of the radical Left?  Right?  Moderate?  Many Americans today refuse to watch the news on television, hear it on radio, read about it in a newspaper or from the internet..?  Being an ostrich with your head in...
Venezuela is in deep trouble.  Their people are starving, there are riots in the streets, and people are being killed if they resist the communist movement.  We read articles about them and feel some remorse for the...
I was fortunate enough to hear at talk by Trevor Loudon on ‘Communism in America’ last week in San Antonio.  Although I perceive myself as a well informed person regarding the topic of communism in America, I was amazed at...
Typically when people discuss California they are talking about the cost of living, or maybe they refer to the ‘crazies’ out west.  But if the public knew the real situation in California, they’d not only be concerned for...
Everyone knows about California and its expensive lifestyle.  And, being well known for its ‘liberal’ views, often the decisions they make aren’t a great surprise either.  The two most often topics discussed are money...
We look back as history and people today ‘translate it’ with their current mindset.  But that doesn’t make it right.  We’re tearing down monuments, destroying historical markers, and denigrating our founders (#30) with vigor...
Words matter. But many of us are too busy to research some of the ‘new’ words springing up in society today.  (They’re coming at us fast and furious.) Consequently we assume we understand and move on with life —...
I’ve heard a great deal of disbelief come from contacts of mine regarding nuclear weapons and N. Korea.  If we listen to ‘the media’, it sounds like they’re just making a lot of noise with no real threat of truly hurting us...
During the reign of Obama, there were several incidents which indicated his allegiance to Islam, but in 2015 he may have outdone himself.  There is apparently evidence indicating that the FBI was complicit in the Garland,...
Today, one doesn’t have to look far to see things which should be of concern to America, assuming they are looking and ‘care’.  People have too often given up, they no longer watch the news, read a newspaper, listen...



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