
In a Huffington Post article, Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, gives his take on environmental policy saying
A texas GOP Vote fan sent in this quick thought:The “big 4” cellular phone carriers “sell” 1 trillion minutes of airtime per year.So if we wanted a “quick fix” to the deficit, every cellular phone user could pay, or better...
House Republican Leader John Boehner explains four ideas on how to make health care reform fiscally efficient.
At a House Republican Leaders press conference Saturday morning, Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), the Ranking Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, explained with a colorful chart what it would look like if the IRS and...
On Saturday night the House of Representatives narrowly passed the health care bill 220 to 215. The only reason the bill made it was that an ammendment was added to prevent funding abortion. Pelosi had quite some...
Texas GOP Vote blogger, Lauro Garza, has a new radio show called Conservative Latino. Lauro's LatinoTalkTexas is the producer of his Conservative Latino Talk Radio.
Virginia Governor: Republican McDonnellNew Jersey Governor: Republican ChristieNYC Mayor: Republican BloombergNew York's 23rd Congressional District: Democrat Owens
Today is an important day for our country as key states are holding key elections. This day could mark the date that the Republican Party gained its resurgence. According to a Wall Street Journal article,
As moderate Republican Dierdre Scozzafava drops out of the New York Congressional Race, tomorrows election is now between Democrat Bill Owens and Conservative Doug Hoffman. Surprisingly, Scozzafava announced yesterday that...
the 101-year-old commercial lender that saw its funding dry up in the credit crunch, filed for bankruptcy in an effort to cut $10 billion in debt following a failed debt exchange and U.S. taxpayer bailout. That stimulus bill...
According to Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, the Fort Hood massacre is due to America's love of guns:
Texas GOP Vote previously blogged about the significance of the last chapter in SuperFreakonomics entitled “What do Al Gore and Mount Pinatubo have in common?” We all know who Al Gore is but what exactly is the...
According to the Houston Chronicle, City Controller Annise Parker heads into the December 12 Houston Mayoral runoff election a step ahead of former city attorney Gene Locke among voters in most demographic and geographic...
Although Obama and Pelosi were gleaming on the House's passage of the health care bill last night, they are now starting to learn that this bill has little chance of going anywhere in the Senate. According to Senator Lindsey...
Despite both a Republican boycott and a stern "no" from Montana's Senator, Democrat Max Baucus, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee has
734 of 734 precincts reporting (100%)Peter Brown:     39,456      23%Gene Locke:      43,974      25%Roy Morales:      35,802      21%Annise Parker:    53,919     31%
Despite a boycott by Republican leaders in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, the Democrats, led by Senator Barbara Boxer of California, have decided to forge ahead with climate change legislation
Nikiyah, a young girl from Brooklyn, was given the swine flu vaccine Thursday without permission from her parents. Nikiyah has epilepsy and had not yet been cleared by her doctor to take the vaccine. As it turns out, the...
The New York Times reports that the Houston Mayoral Race is so close that few pollsters or strategists expect anyone to win the majority on the November 3rd election day meaning a run-off will be held in December.



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