(Paris, TX) - In what is believed to be one of the largest number of officeholders to change party affiliation in Texas, Lamar County GOP Chairman John Kruntorad and State Representative Erwin Cain announced today that 9...
(Notes: I am not making any endorsements or will I spend time in this piece to dissect weakness of candidates. There is more than enough time to do this. My purpose is to point out that Republicans have a strong list of...
Watch this video and learn how liberal journalists think. This humorous but educational video shows a liberal woman explaining to her co-worker that the government should have more control over the media and that she does...
The following is a press release from Congressman Kevin Brady (TX-8):Washington, D.C. - U.S. Representative Kevin Brady (R-Texas), chairman of the House Ways & Means Trade Subcommittee and the top House Republican on...
The following alert came in from the Republican Party of Texas:On Monday, the Texas Senate is expected to meet as a Committee of the Whole to consider Senate Bill 14, legislation that would require a voter to present proof...
Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin went "On the Record" last night to announce that she and Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt are going to be filing to challenge the constitutionality of Obama's health care bill on behalf of...
I released the following statement today regarding the House’s vote to begin crafting solutions to replace President Obama’s government-takeover of health care:Moving forward with our promise to the American people, the new...
I had the pleasure recently of interviewing the lovely and brilliant Andrea Tantaros.http://andreatantaros.com/Ms. Tantaros is a Fox News political analyst and a columnist for the New York Daily News.A sought after political...
The following announcement was sent in by former Solicitor General of Texas Ted Cruz on Wednesday, January 19:Dear Friends,As Congress gathers today to cast its first vote on whether to repeal ObamaCare, I am pleased to...
Before I could shift gears from the fantasy of a productive and auspicious state-command society, the talk on Sunday news-ralk television, predictably after the Tucson shooting story has leveled off, turned to gun-control....
Has Obama Really Moved to the Center?Don’t believe it for a minute! Since his election in 2008, and his inauguration in 2009, Barack Obama has presided over the most left wing American administration since...
On January 18, 2011, the Latino National Republican Coalition of Texas (LNRC of Texas) attended the Inauguration of Governor Rick Perry and Lt. Governor David Dewhurst. We are proud of these two great Texans and public...
The Heritage Foundation reminds us that economic freedom matters not just in promoting prosperity, but in promoting political freedom. Look at those nations who are either free or mostly free economically and you will see...
Although the House recently voted 245-189 for HR 2, 'Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law,' it is still humorous to watch Sheila Jackson Lee's (CD-18) attempt to prove that the health care reform bill itself wasn't...
The following release was sent in from Texas Alliance for Life PAC regarding the Texas Rally for Life:Texas Gov. Rick Perry will keynote the Texas Rally for Life on Saturday, Jan. 22, at the state Capitol in Austin. An...
TEXAS Where Opportunity Still Looms Large
Today, I issued the following statement regarding Gov. Rick Perry’s decision to fast-track legislation to provide for a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution, for the 2011 legislative session. When the U.S....
Addendum On this topic as a note to my post on Obamacare yesterday: Oklahoma announced today that it will file its own suit following its adoption of an amendment to the state constitution disallowing...
No! In 2010, Arizona was condemned by the Obama Administration for its efforts to enforce immigration laws on its own. I strongly believe Arizona has the right to try to solve its problems, especially when the federal...
The departure of Michael Steele as Republican National Committee Chairman is a welcome change in leadership. Let us hope that the new Party Chair, Reince Priebus, will be successful in the task of digging the RNC out of the...



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