
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
With all of the political involvement I'm involved in, and all of the knowledge I have and am still collecting about the political process, I forget sometimes that not everyone else 'nerds out' about this stuff. Like, how...
Mexico and its economy is very important to our economy and how we do as a country. And in today's globalized world, we must continue to support our economic partnership with Mexico and find ways to build on it and certainly...
Last week’s flooding was devastating for many families in the Houston area. Our emergency responders and local officials deserve thanks for responding quickly to save the lives of those stranded by high waters. Local...
While Trump will win all 17 of Pennsylvania’s statewide delegates, the state will also send an additional 54 unbound delegates to the national convention.
The Collin County Commissioners Court considered 3 invoices on Monday, April 25, related to the prosecution of TAG Ken Paxton. I believe it's important for me to inform the citizens regarding the outcome, as well as...
The event sparked a furious response from Brexit supporters who accuse him of being an EU cheerleader on his UK trip. In a carefully orchestrated event, the US President took questions from youngsters in a London hall...
Since 2003, America’s PAC has been involved in every national election and in 2002, many of the America’s PAC staff led by the late Richard Nadler operated under the group, “Citizens For Better Government” before the...
In the midst of Mother Nature’s wrath, as expressed via several violent and devastating storms over the last several weeks, lawmakers in Texas are fighting back the only way they can: by passing new legislation. The Texas...
Thousands and thousands of conservative Republicans are elected delegates at their precinct and county conventions to go to their state conventions and pound out state party platforms and convention rules.
Education is a racket, just like Liberalism.Liberals promise kids a stellar education, then jobs after they graduated from college, and they get bubkis.
The process specified in Article V for a convention to propose amendments raises many questions that require careful consideration. Questions arise concerning how such a convention would work, what types of amendments it...
Ted Cruz announced Wednesday that Carly Fiorina will be his vice presidential nominee if he’s the Republican Party’s pick for president. If nominated, "I will run on a ticket with my vice-presidential nominee, Carly Fiorina...
With the federal disaster declaration, Harris County residents may be eligible for FEMA major disaster benefits, including:Disaster Housing
Some longtime advocates for veterans are raising serious questions about a Texas Senate candidate’s ties to a for-profit university that’s been accused of “predatory” practices when recruiting students, particularly students...
I’m not going to talk about Trump’s personal flaws and his pervasive heresy to American constitutional conservatism that poses Hillary-scale continued catastrophe for American society and individuals. That information is all...
The Supreme Court of the United States heard the historical case of United States v. Texas, on Monday, regarding executive overreach. People all over the country are interested in this case, but only a handful of...
The Obama Administration is opposing a bill to help the families of victims of terror attacks on U.S. soil pursue justice against those responsible. The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) passed the Senate...
Three out of every five babies aborted in America are either Black or Hispanic. Just let that sink in for a moment.
National Review’s Kevin Williamson noted about Bernie Sanders, “Bernie bellows that he remembers a time when you could walk into a department store and “buy things made in the U.S.A.” …Like most of these advocates of “...
House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday called on nervous Republicans to attend their party's convention in July, urging GOP lawmakers to stand united behind whomever delegates choose as their presidential nominee.



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