
A strong national defense is vital in a post-9/11 world. That includes comprehensive border security. In keeping us safe, the government may be tempted to overreach in ways disturbing to those of us who value our liberty above all else. Spying on Americans in the name of security is unacceptable. Finding the right balance between our national security and our freedoms is essential in keeping Americans safe from terrorists who want to kill us because they hate our way of life.

I will join a group of Members of Congress, led by House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX), on a visit to the southwest border from January 22nd to January 26th.
Around 11 a.m. on January 7, on a cold winter day in Paris, France, two men armed with AK-47s forced a woman entering the offices of a French newspaper to let them in.
WASHINGTON — U.S. Sens. John Cornyn (R-TX), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) today introduced the bipartisan Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, which would empower law enforcement to further...
Following the Paris massacre of the editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo, USA Today allowed a London based radical Muslim cleric who “specialized in Sharia law” to state his view.
The New York Times is reporting that the Secret Service is permitting volunteers with neither official clearance nor training to be a part of Presidential motorcades. The reason appears to be that there is a lack of...
As we all know, the Far Left often resorts to extreme measures to support their idea that all guns, especially handguns, are bad.The Far Left may have set a new low in trying to make their point. In a recent video message,...
Recently, I announced that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2015 includes legislation I sponsored to allow the victims of the 2009 terrorist attack at Fort Hood to receive the Purple Heart.The legislation,...
Today, the European Union did an about-face of the worst kind, reversing their designation of Hamas as a terrorist organization. The General Court of the EU found that the original decision to include Hamas as a terrorist...
I issued the following statement after voting to prevent another government shutdown: A broken process created by years of Senate Democrat control has yielded an agreement that is less than perfect.Despite this, this...
It was a cold winter morning in Paris just before lunchtime. Two masked men armed with AK-47s approached a woman standing outside the door of the Charlie Hebdo office, forcing her to let them inside. Once inside the doors,...
On Saturday, a 10-year-old girl walked into a crowded Nigerian market with a bomb strapped around her body. She walked through a metal detector, and the bomb exploded, killing her and dozens around her. The device reportedly...
Providing for our Veterans has always been one of my top legislative priorities. Last Tuesday, the House made it easier for employers to hire veterans by passing H.R.22 by a vote of 412-0. This legislation would allow...
My thoughts and prayers are with all of the victims of the terrorist attacks carried out by radical Islamists in France. Sunday, the world leaders of some of our closest allies in Europe and Israel attended a unity rally in...
Today the House passed H.R. 26, my bill to reform the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) by increasing taxpayer protections.
Last week, I released a video that highlights prominent Cuba dissidents' warnings against U.S. deal-making with the Castro regime. I also penned an op-ed for sharing these dissidents' stories and his alternative to...
Congressman Poe holds Human Trafficking panel in HoustonAs the 113th Congress comes to a close, here's a brief wrap up of some of my legislative accomplishments over the last two years:
Washington, DC: Congressman Mike Turner, Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces and President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly released the following statement regarding the...
Taliban gunmen stormed a military-run school in the Pakistani city of Peshawar on Tuesday, killing nearly 150 innocent civilians according to reports. The overwhelming majority of the victims were students at the school—...
The House of Representatives yesterday approved bipartisan Science Committee legislation to coordinate and drive research and development (R&D) across federal agencies to address cyber threats to America’s high-tech...



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