July 13th, 2018
I addressed the “Change not Chains” rally to honor Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Liu Xiaobo and celebrate the freedom of his wife Liu Xia, who have fought ceaselessly to promote democracy and freedom in China.
May 17th, 2018
United States Socialist RepublicOnce again we are faced with yet more evidence of the communist takeover of this country. Things are happening today that you not only wouldn’t expect, but couldn’t have imagined just a few...
March 19th, 2018
I’ve mentioned before that the talking heads of notoriety are now speaking out about communism in the United States. Recently another great example of this newer phenomena has appeared in the NRA’s Freedom magazine...
February 19th, 2018
I’ve often said that California leads our nation in trends (primarily because of Hollywood). They’ve had an impact on the entire world at times. But Texas is also a strong influence on parts of our country. It has...
January 25th, 2018
Since the Hudson Institute's establishment under Herman Kahn in 1961, it emerged during the Cold War as a leading voice against the irrational madness of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD).
November 1st, 2017
Words matter. But many of us are too busy to research some of the ‘new’ words springing up in society today. (They’re coming at us fast and furious.) Consequently we assume we understand and move on with life —...
September 28th, 2017
Several years ago we heard the words, “We’re only five days away from fundamentally transforming this nation”. And now ladies and gentlemen, we are much closer.
December 3rd, 2016
I released the following statement in the wake of an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal that highlights the plight of Chinese political
April 14th, 2014
Yuri Maltsev, an adviser to Mikhail Gorbachev’s government, tells the story of his defection to the U.S., and relates stories from his life in the Soviet Union.While at Moscow State University, he received special permission...
March 11th, 2013
You are likely seeing posts about the coming “right-wing attack,” meant to foment more support for gun control. But what the government isn’t going to allow the lamestream media to tell you is, it is they who are planning an...
May 22nd, 2018
Everyone should read this article who has one or more children (grand-children) in our public educational system. America’s educational system has been transformed. Unlike in the 1700’s, our children have learned less at...
March 21st, 2018
Obviously everyone in this country should be aware of the FBI’s failure to function in a lawful way recently. McCabe being fired is only the most recent casualty of the FBI. But is this as a result of only a few ‘...
March 14th, 2018
I spent Tuesday night talking to students at UC Santa Barbara about the true record of communism – a chunk of history a rather substantial portion of Americans know nothing about.
February 13th, 2018
I was fortunate enough to hear at talk by Trevor Loudon on ‘Communism in America’ last week in San Antonio. Although I perceive myself as a well informed person regarding the topic of communism in America, I was amazed at...
November 6th, 2017
We look back as history and people today ‘translate it’ with their current mindset. But that doesn’t make it right. We’re tearing down monuments, destroying historical markers, and denigrating our founders (#30) with vigor...
October 16th, 2017
As a kid, I found a common game to play (especially for boys) was ‘King of the mountain’. The idea was that everyone would gather around a mound of dirt and one or two kids would get on top. The objective of the game was...
August 30th, 2017
Today, one doesn’t have to look far to see things which should be of concern to America, assuming they are looking and ‘care’. People have too often given up, they no longer watch the news, read a newspaper, listen...
October 1st, 2014
How did eastern Europe transition away from communism? What were conditions like on the eve of the transformation? What factors contributed to it? What happened to all the property owned by the state? Today I discussed the...
May 6th, 2013
Caught on VIDEO:CSCOPE Director Danny Lovett was caught lying about Chinese/Soviet Communist Flag Lesson while speaking to parents at Lumberton ISD "Truth about CSCOPE" Presentation.Director says CSCOPE lesson teaches kids...
March 5th, 2013
If you have not heard, a rogue group hidden within one-and-then-more regional service centers (RSC) of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) called CSCOPE (no particular acronym meaning, except that software possibly started from...