Senate District 25 Election
March 2nd, 2014
Wimberly, Texas, the quaint, seemingly quiet town was the venue for one of the SD25 forums held on February 5, 2014. Contrary to what you may have heard, Senator Donna Campbell defended her positions on the Toll Roads, Pro...
February 1st, 2014
Senator Donna Campbell, the Champion of SD25, has been under constant attack from her detractors since her bid for reelection. It isn’t just the Left that is attacking her but some embittered members of the Right. The...
February 20th, 2014
Senator Donna Campbell is being flooded with awards and endorsements from organizations and individuals supporting her reelection. Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, David Barton of Wallbuilders, and the National Rifle...
September 24th, 2013
Senator Donna Campbell has stirred some debate since her election in November 2012 because of her strong fiscal and social conservatism. She has raised people’s awareness of the issues that need to be addressed in SD25 and...
March 21st, 2012
The Hill Country Tea Party Patriots held a Senate District 25 candidates forum in New Braunfels and the audience was eager to hear what the candidates had to say. Dr. Donna Campbell is challenging Texas Senator Jeff...