Immigration Reform

Our immigration system in this country is broken. Executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. 

Comedy Centrals Stephen Colbert appeared before the House Judiciary Committees immigration subcommittee last week to testify on the predicament of the House Judiciary Committee. Colbert was invited by Democratic...
Yesterday Democrats in the US Senate voted against cloture on the DREAM act.
The DREAM Act is probably worthy of discussion for the debate about immigration reform policy; however, the American public should not be forced to support a bill of this nature by tacking it on to the Defense...
“Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up.” - Galatians 6:9AMERICA is under siege make no mistake about that! Our own government has declared outright war with...
The Obama administration has been unable or unwilling to take action to properly secure the borders of the United States. Now, the Department of Homeland Security (clearly a misnomer) is taking action to remove what few...
As a result of my involvement in Arizona, I have done several interviews to help advance the truth that there are free-thinking young people and free-thinking Latinos who don’t believe everything they hear on TV.Immediately...
One of the most serious things that I was not as prepared for as I had hoped to be was protesters. Of course I knew they would be there--that is unless their buses had already left back to LA by the time I got there.
Once I made the decision to participate in the National Immigration Policy Summit, things began to move quickly and smoothly. As much as I tried to prepare myself for the weekend, I wasn’t prepared for any of it. It was...
Point of View is a two-hour, issues-oriented live talk radio program heard daily nationwide. Kerby Anderson and the Point of View team cover the full spectrum of issues and current events that affect our...
The story about the Laredo ranches being taken over by Los Zetas continues to be an interesting developing story. US Border Watch will continue to research this developing story with the goal of finding the truth.
While looking around my hometown newspaper’s website, I stumbled across an article that mentioned a stray bullet was found on our community college campus. Our community college, University of Texas at Brownsville, is...
Today, I released the following statement regarding his intention to vote against the motion to proceed to the Defense Authorization Bill:Though this bill typically enjoys bipartisan support, this year Senate Democrats have...
I learned a valuable political lesson in a very unlikely place last week—my news reporting and writing class. Yes, I, the Republican, learned a political lesson in a journalism school.Our instructor was explaining...
On Wednesday August 25th, both Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30) and her Republican opponent Pastor Stephen Broden were invited to speak to the Hispanic Community on the issues that affect District 30 and debate on...
In the investigation of the Los Zetas alleged Laredo ranch takeover, one issue became very clear. Our border with Mexico is a VERY dangerous place. Yet some democrat congressional representatives, including Pete Stark (D-CA...
When this story broke in late July, it spread across the internet like a sagebrush fire on the Idaho plains. How could this be? Zeta's invading ranches near Laredo? No news coverage? Is this war? Is our border...
The topic of immigration reform has stalled in Congress, but that has not stopped states from taking action to ensure a legal workforce. According to, several states, including Florida, New York, Iowa...
On July 31st, 2010, I participated in the National Immigration Policy Summit and the Stand With Arizona rally hosted by Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce at the Arizona State Capitol Complex in Phoenix. When I was...
If you missed my visit with Americans for Immigration Reform Chairman Charles Foster, you can check it out here. Charles has been meeting with Democratic and Republican lawmakers, and he’s getting a sense that there is...
This weekend a story about two ranches near Laredo, Texas being overrun by the infamous Los Zetas drug cartel spread through the internet like a California grass fire. The story went so far as to call the intrusion "an act...



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