GOP Texas State Representative Sarah Davis has slammed Republicans in a Houston Chronicle Op-Ed. Davis says Republicans should not be passing abortion restrictions because it is "not the role of the...
This Wednesday in the House Judiciary Committee, we held a hearing with government officials from the DOJ, NSA, and FBI to investigate the Administration’s collecting of personal phone records and other data. According to an...
I spoke on the Senate floor today on the disappointment felt by many Obamacare supporters, and invited President Obama to work together on creating workable alternatives to the failed health care law.The full speech can be...
Cornyn's speech on the House floor
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) addressed the unraveling of Obamacare on the Senate floor today and called on President Obama to support the rule of law by applying the same rules for all Americans, not waivers...
GUNS SAVE LIVES.2.5 million times last year, Americans brandished a firearm in order to defend and preserve life.In most of those cases, the trigger was never pulled.The government, federal or state, DOES NOT have the...
The head of the Mexican Zetas cartel has been captured, according to the government of Mexico. The arrest was made by the Mexican Navy in the early hours of the morning on July 15. Miguel Angel Treviño’s arrest marks a...
Thank God our Congress has solved all of the massive problems facing this country so that we can now worry about what to do about artifact piracy... ON THE MOON! Yes, it seems scandal-ridden Congresswoman Eddie Bernice...
Although I’ve been rather quiet about the George Zimmerman case, I’ve had many opinions throughout the proceedings.I’ve generally not wanted to talk about it because, overall, it is just a local crime story that’s gotten out...
On July 14, 1789, the French Revolution began with the storming of the Bastille and from there, events would end up with the reign of terror, plus a democratic fraternity that ended up devouring many of the original...
As anyone who runs a business or owns a farm or ranch in Texas knows, President Obama has been using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to enforce an anti-business agenda. For the past six years, our economy has...
James Bennett and Michael Lotus in their book, America 3.0, see the end of the Bureaucratic State, or what they call the end of America 2.0, and return to a smaller and more decentralized America 3.0. Bennett and...
Texas has entered the political 'silly season.'  If you're a NASCAR fan, you know what I'm talking about — the time when drivers and sponsors jump around from car to car.  All around us, current officeholders are deciding to...
In a remarkably well-researched piece titled “You Are Not Trayvon Martin,” Slate’s William Saletan challenged several fallacies influencing perceptions and reactions to the acquittal of George Zimmerman. The piece was not...
I believe in privacy. In this digital age I treasure privacy but freely admit I have offered too much personal information online. It’s nearly unavoidable. In light of the recent NSA and IRS scandals, I whole-heartedly...
Since the 2012 election, there has been quite a lot of talk about Harris County moving from Republican to Democrat. But anyone who is paying attention to this legislative session will see that the Republican legislators from...
Over the past three years, we have seen an assault on free speech and freedom of the press by those in power. Campaign finance laws have always been used less as a restriction on money in politics and more as a restriction...
Did you know that taxpayers guarantee nine out of every ten new mortgages in our country? Look around any new neighborhoods being built nearby. Most likely, only one or two of the mortgages on houses on that block are not...
Much has been said about Florida Senator Marco Rubios decision to stand solidly for immigration reform and stronger border security. The man who became an overnight hero with strong conservatives has been labeled a sellout...
This week, fellow blogger Bob Price wrote an article attacking me. Why was I attacked? I was attacked because I stood up for LIFE, and I stood up for the Republican Party Platform on my TexasGOPVote – David Bellow blog. As...
image from
We are living in a Rear Window world. Alfred Hitchcock's classic thriller tells the story of a professional photographer homebound by a broken leg who takes a voyeuristic interest in his neighbor. From the...



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