Texas GOP Gubernatorial Primary candidate Debra Medina will be a guest at 10am this morning on Glenn Beck’s national radio program.Click here to listen live.Update: Listen to the audio clip of the interview.
According to an article in The American Interest Online, the global warming movement as we know it is dead! What were the primary causes of death? Bad science and bad politics.After years in which global warming...
A few years back in National Review, Harvard Scholar Leon Steinmetz revisited a curious debate among leaders of the French Revolution. Many of these revolutionaries asserted that France held too many people for the...
The thorny issue of illegal immigration and how to deal with it came up during the Democratic debate last night between frontrunner Bill White and Farouk Shami.
The President’s proposal to end NASA’s human space flight program is misguided and extremely disappointing. A nation’s global status and dominance has always depended on its leadership in the human exploration of new...
First of all, all of these arguments and all of the strain about immigration and libertarianism are a distraction in light of what is happening in America: sort of like fighting over the furniture when the house is on fire...
It seems that cold weather and record snow in Washington, DC has put a freeze on the Democrats' self-imposed deadline for bringing a jobs bill to the floor today. But icy conditions and deep snow aren't stopping Senator John...
The Super Bowl Indicator is a based on a belief that the annual stock market trends are predicted by the winner of the Super Bowl. A Super Bowl win for a team from the AFC division foretells a decline in the stock market for...
Here is a comment sent to TexasGOPVote regarding the news that Obama is surrendering the Internet to foreign powers:
I issued the following statement yesterday regarding the newly released January jobs report:
Texas initial jobless claims for the week ending Jan. 30 reached 19,365 from 18,318 the previous week. The four-week moving average for initial claims – a steadier measure of unemployment claim activity – has risen to 22,442...
My friend Lauro Garza has scorned the possible inclination of Ron Paul and his followers to run from The Republican Party to a third party. In the case of Dr. Paul himself, I feel fairly safe in predicting that that will...
Sean Hannity mentioned last night that searches on "corpse-man" had only 17 links on Google News, while searches on "Palin writing on hand" had thousands.Here is more of what he had to say about the issue:Many left-leaning...
TexasGOPVote recently posted the Audi Super Bowl commercial. While the commercial was humorous, it's scary to think that these "green police" could be in our future.
Sarah Palin came to Houston Sunday to help rally support for Governor Rick Perry in the upcoming primary election for GOP Texas gubernatorial candidate. Palin also pegged Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison as a Washington insider...
According to a new Rasmussen Reports national survey, 75% of likely voters say they are angry at the government. 
A Texas Tribune focus group of undecided voters watches the January 29, 2010 GOP Gubernatorial Debate between Rick Perry, Kay Bailey Hutchison, and Debra Medina. Their reactions are in the video below. Here are my reactions...
Watch this Audi green police commercial! Is this Super Bowl commercial foretelling our future?
According to Newsmax,
I agree with the statement by Paul Volcker, former Fed Chairman, in his testimony before Congress on Tuesday:



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