
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
President Obama delivered his seventh, and presumably last, State of the Union (SOTU) address on Tuesday night. Seventh, because his “Address before a Joint Session of Congress” in February 2009 was not, technically, a SOTU...
Hillary Clinton is not popular. Look at this graphic and you can see how Hillary’s hype is manipulated by the media.Remember when she began her “listening tour,” and stopped at a restaurant. Nobody knew her or cared. I...
To say you’re opposed to illegal immigration as a candidate and then to employ illegal immigrant workers in your business is political hypocrisy and business dishonesty
With the holidays behind us and the second session of the 114th Congress in full swing, the New Year is a good chance to look back at the legislative accomplishments from last year. Too often, the media covers the bickering...
Since when is asking a question about a politician’s past considered “heckling.”Particularly when that politician opens the door to that line of questioning by unleashing her philandering pit bull of a husband.
One of the many challenges facing the Department of Veterans Affairs in Texas is a shortage of primary care physicians and specialty care providers. Because of this, the VA has alternatives for veterans needing care...
Investigators are working to piecing together an 18-minute gap in the timeline of the San Bernardino shooters' actions the day of the massacre, FBI Assistant Director in Charge David Bowdich said today.
President Obama’s proposal to unilaterally thwart law abiding citizens’ Second Amendment rights is a blatant abuse of his executive authority.
The small band of antigovernment protesters who took over a group of federal buildings in rural Oregon said Monday that they aimed “to restore and defend the Constitution,” in particular the rights of ranchers, and set off a...
There are only a few days until the Iowa Caucuses, and Iowa is the first step in attaining the presidential nomination. 
For the past seven years, we have listened to the "Lecturer-in-Chief" use his State of the Union address to paint a less-than-accurate picture of the state of our nation. Tonight was no different.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott turned the Governor’s Mansion blue on Saturday night, but not the way Democrats had hoped in 2014. The Texas governor flooded his official residence with blue floodlights in support of law...
Last week I voted in favor of a measure that would protect victims involved in class action litigation by ensuring that all members of a proposed class seeking monetary relief after suffering an injury have the same level...
The Obama administration has buried American families with burdensome regulations, costing each U.S. household roughly $15,000 per year. In addition to these appalling costs, numerous regulations have been worked out in...
Wednesday the House voted for H.R. 3762, Restoring American’s Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act. Almost six years after ObamaCare was rammed through Congress, 52 percent of Americans disapprove of the president’...
It’s not every day that a liberal paper like the San Antonio Express News calls a Republican “powerful” but it did! If you have ever met with Congressman Lamar Smith then you know that he is a mild mannered, polite man.
I am going to make a controversial statement considering that Lucas is a Hollywood leftist, and I suspect that Lucas viewed Star Wars as a statement against the United States, but the reality is that his story has...
In a New Year’s Day message, President Obama expressed his desire to use executive actions to restrict the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans. The President is expected to meet with the Attorney General today...
It is about one hour from midnight as I write and as we reflect upon 2015, the best I can say is: It could have been worse.
If Marco Rubio is not "conservative," then the word has been stripped of all meaning by paid dividers of the GOP, and "conservatism is now primarily a matter of aesthetics."



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