
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
Sometimes in the heat of a discussion, one can make a statement that doesn’t come out right. I criticize Rick Wilson for his statement on MSNBC, “The screamers on the AltRight who love Trump are mostly childless single...
Very simply, this political season has been the craziest thing that certainly I've ever seen, and probably that has ever been in America.
There is one rule that political strategists should follow in persuading voters, in particular if you are working in a party primary and you either want one guy nominated or another guy not nominated, don’t insult the voters...
State Senator Mike Delph’s (R-Carmel) new bill (SB 285) seeks to control illegal immigration by punishing businesses that repeatedly hire them. Based on experience in other states, this proposed new law would do little to...
I released the following statement today after a federal judge rejected President Obama’s claim that executive privilege gives the Justice Department the right to withhold records from Congress investigating Operation Fast...
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is observed on the third Monday in January every year, and while many people know the day is in recognition of King's birthday, not many are familiar with how the day became a holiday. Like, why...
State Representative Jonathan Stickland is campaigning for reelection to Texas House District 92, which comprises a portion of Tarrant County and spans suburban Fort Worth. The following is a running list of the hypocrisies...
I couldn't help but reflect on the first speech he gave to a Joint Session of Congress back in 2009, shortly after his inauguration. It was a hopeful speech.
"It just seems out of character for someone who portrays himself as being so righteous," Brown said.
Last night, President Obama shared his priorities with the nation and reflected on his time in office.It is no surprise that President Obama would try to put a positive spin on his presidency. But his claims conflict with...
The Republican establishment is quite confusing to understand. First, they fear the upcoming Trump Revolution, but it is now becoming even more apparent that the establishment is making its peace with Trump.
This week, I voted on legislation to end the 40-year old ban on crude oil exports, permanently allow Texans to deduct their state and local sales taxes, increase defense spending to combat ISIS and radical Islamic terror and...
The first presidential debate of 2016 sponsored by Fox Business on January 15 held in South Carolina ended the ‘love affair’ between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. There were two exchanges between the two top candidates that...
National Republican Congressional Committee - Inspector General Charles McCullough delivered more bad news to Democrats hoping to share the ticket with Hillary Clinton in November.
After Saturday’s democratic elections in Taiwan, I want to applaud the Taiwanese people for their tenacity, and I call for America’s reaffirmed commitment to Taiwan’s security. Saturday was a monumental day for the people of...
Thomas McNutt is campaigning to be the representative for Texas State House District 8, which spans Navarro, Freestone, Anderson, and Hill Counties. The following is a running tally of the hypocrisies McNutt has been caught...
The 2016 GOP Primary Hypocrisy File is dedicated to documenting the truth on Texas candidates who say one thing on the campaign trail but do another thing in their professional and personal lives. View the documentation file...
Today I sent letters to several private companies that provided software and services to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that enabled her to maintain a private email server.
Last night, President Obama divided the country. For seven years, I have listened to the President blame Americans instead of terrorists. I have listened to him tout Obamacare while I’ve watched good, hard working people pay...
The great World War II was at its peak. So, on September 11, 1943, 28-year-old Sandy Thompson left her teaching job and volunteered for the Women Airforce Service Pilots, better known as the WASP.



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