
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
Each day, the United States’ economy is the target of over 100,000 cyber incidents. The status quo is failing and leaving the American people vulnerable to further data breaches of their most sensitive consumer financial...
In light of the recent severe weather in North Texas, Governor Abbott has sent Task Force 1 to provide assistance to the affected areas. Here is information provided by the Red Cross regarding shelters in Rowlett and Garland...
Do Texas Cities Unlawfully Restrict Free Speech of Pro-Lifers?The pro-life movement cannot function without free speech. Sidewalk counseling, public rallies and protests, lobbying, public education, and political...
This week, I voted on legislation to end the 40-year old ban on crude oil exports, permanently allow Texans to deduct their state and local sales taxes, increase defense spending to combat ISIS and radical Islamic terror and...
While I recognize that this bill is in no way perfect, it provides responsible funding for conservative principles, increases transparency, and accountability at federal agencies and puts a stop to executive overreach that...
Joel Kotkin, a Democratic researcher, has been in the forefront of detailing the struggle of the middle class and has even been outspoken about his own party's role in increasing the divide between rich and poor.
The rise of the anti-establishment candidates like Trump and Carson have led to the collapse of many candidates who many favored just a few months ago.
The Department of Veteran Affairs has yet to recover the relocation bonuses that were fraudulently obtained by executives at the department. It’s unacceptable that some of these employees are receiving bonuses at a time when...
On Thursday, U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) introduced the “Reciprocity Ensures Streamlined Use of Lifesaving Treatments Act (S. 2388), or the RESULT Act,” which would amend the Food, Drug and Cosmetic...
With government funding set to expire in less than 72-hours, Republicans and Democrats in Congress are still trying to forge a spending bill deal to avert a government shutdown as "significant issues" still remain. "...
Last month, the Senate passed a budget bill to repeal key parts of Obamacare—including coverage subsidies, credits, and the Medicaid expansion in 2018—while defunding Planned Parenthood.
A well-known security researcher has discovered an unsecured database containing 191 million US voter registration records. The data includes names, addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers, party affiliations and even logs...
I have joined a bipartisan group of 10 Members of Congress to launch the Cuba Working Group, a group that will focus on crafting new policies and ways to appropriately restore U.S.-Cuba diplomatic relations.
In a city that is almost 2-1 Democratic, Bill King, in the non-partisan Mayoral election came oh so close. Closing the gap after round one, King tightened the numbers to a miniscule 4,129 votes out of the 212,696 cast!
Bernie Sanders's campaign manager said Friday that the campaign will file a lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee if it does not allow the Sanders camp to access voter data.
Today I joined fellow lawmakers in sponsoring a resolution to impeach Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner John Koskinen.
In a recent congressional hearing about climate change, Mark Steyn proved to be the star of the event as he knocked the Democrats and climate alarmists off their game.
Confronted with the durable phenomenon known as Donald Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidates tried a new tack Tuesday night: ignore him. Trump didn’t go anywhere, of course. Attacks did flow in from...
As an Iowan, I will be part of the first wave of voters determining who will be the Republican nominee. As someone who will not be voting for Donald Trump, I do have a few observations. A Democratic friend of mine mentioned...
As co-chair of the Georgia Caucus along with Congressman Gerald Connolly, I would like to take a moment to discuss the importance of a strong U.S.-Georgia relationship.



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