
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
Today, I was pleased to support a Continuing Resolution that will keep the government open, get Washington spending under control and protect Americans from the harmful impact of Obamacare. Importantly, this bill permanently...
I released the following statement after the House passed H.J.Res. 59, a Continuing Resolution (CR) to defund Obamacare and fund government operations.My constituents in West Texas have been very clear: they don’t want their...
I can remember early June of 2012 when I was at the Republican Party of Texas’ convention in Fort Worth, Texas. I was representing Senate District 31 on the Platform Committee when we passed the “Dune Sage Brush Lizard”...
The following is a press release from the Barry Smitherman campaign:TYLER – Barry Smitherman, conservative Republican candidate for Attorney General, was the clear winner in last week’s candidate forum. Smitherman’s record...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) announced that it will propose a rule on Clean Water Act jurisdiction and solicit public comment on a report on “Connectivity of Streams and Wetlands to Downstream Waters.”The...
In 1787, our Founding Fathers crafted a document that has endured to become the blueprint for all nations who wish to foster a free society. The United States Constitution was revolutionary not only in the government it...
Update: Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson and Governor Candidate Tom Pauken have demanded that the charges be dropped against these men...
At the end of this week, the House of Representatives will take up the Continuing Resolution to fund the government. It is unclear whether they will choose to defund Obamacare through the CR, rather than through a symbolic...
I don't know about you, but Obamacare is making me sick. Yeah, the sweeping piece of legislation that was supposed to be the 'remedy' that was going to single-handedly save all of the people who were uninsured from the evil...
The following is a statement from State Representative James White blasting the proposed San Antonio, Texas Ordinance that is Hostile to Traditional Values and Free Speech:The ongoing attack against religious liberty and...
In 2013, Texas Attorney General candidate Barry Smitherman REJECTED a budget increase for his personal government office while candidates Ken Paxton and Dan Branch APPROVED a budget increase for their personal government...
The 2012 election and the retention of the most un-American (I’m talking un-American policy-wise, as opposed to birth, which has long been of no consequence in any case) American President in our history, with the...
Every time there is a mass shooting and its believed an AR 15 is involved, News Anchors, Reporters, and Commentators, spread the epidemic of stupid with their language and gun talk that clearly demonstrates most of them have...
Last week, I joined 42 of my colleagues as we introduced a bill to fund the government for the next year while delaying and defunding Obamacare. H.J.Res. 62, the Stability, Security and Fairness Resolution, authored by...
It is quite clear that the deceptively-named “Affordable Care Act” (aka Obamacare), was NOT supported by “We the People” when it was crammed down our throats three years ago so we could “see what’s in it”. Its popularity...
The left hates a truly free press. The recent Senate bill that “protects” reporters and “strengthens” shield laws is nothing more than the government defining who is a journalist and who is not. Translation for those low...
Thursday I launched the bipartisan Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Export Caucus along with three of my colleagues, Congressman Jim Costa (D-CA16), Congressman Joe Barton (R-TX06), and Congressman Filemon Vela (D-TX34) to help...
NRA - A historic grassroots effort by voters in Colorado’s Senate District 11 has resulted in the recall of Colorado Senate President John Morse (D). The people of Colorado Springs sent a clear message to the Senate leader...
It’s no secret how I feel about wackademia in America. It’s a government-sanctioned racket. They steal money and teach our children very little. Public schools are government indoctrination centers meant to teach children...
The San Antonio Express News failed to mention that on Wednesday, August 23, there were at least 800 Blue shirts for the 2 pm City Council session and over 1000 for the 6 pm meeting. Citizens waited in scorching 98 degrees...



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