
Dirty deals just keep on coming. The National Republican Congressional Committee CODE RED website shows:
Honorable Congresswoman Jackson Lee ([email protected]);I tried to call your office but the phone lines are busy. You are my only hope in the House of Representatives. 
Here is another call to action from my friend Shirley Spellerberg:As we mentioned in our action alert two days ago, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is plotting to use a parliamentary procedure to prevent a recorded vote on...
Tension was high in the capital yesterday as there was a huge health care reform protest in Washington, D.C. with intent to let Congress know that Americans wants to "Kill the Bill!"
Pelosi wants to bring the House version of the health care reform bill up for consideration as soon as this Thursday! The following message was sent into me and contains a list of congress members that are still wavering on...
The following message was sent in from The Republican Party of Texas:
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi says the Republican Party has hijacked the tea party movement for its own gain. She even went as far as to say that the tea party movement shares common ground with the Democrats! According...
The movie "Generation Zero" is a wake-up call for Americans who value their freedom. What we do now, at this moment in history, is as consequential and immediately relevant to our lives as was the American Revolution, the U...
Democrats are still trying to meet behind closed doors for the reconciliation of the health care bill. But wasnt it Obama himself who promised the American people during his campaign that C-SPAN would cover the debate? See...
Although Obama and Pelosi were gleaming on the House's passage of the health care bill last night, they are now starting to learn that this bill has little chance of going anywhere in the Senate. According to Senator Lindsey...
Pelosi wants the House to make a momentous vote Sunday on the health care reform bill. Rep. Steve King and actor Jon Voight are asking freedom-loving citizens to come to D.C. tomorrow for one final attempt to kill the bill...
Pelosi plans to have the House vote on the health care reform bill THIS Sunday!!On Thursday, President Barack Obama canceled his Asia trip, which had been scheduled to start Sunday, so he could make a last-minute push for...
The following was sent in from CatholicVote:If you are tempted to think Catholics in America don’t matter, I have some news for you.The past 48 hours of the health care debate has been a pitched battle between Catholic...
The Pelosi Democrats are locking Texas out of the health care bill negotiations. Will Texas Democrats side with Pelosi or with the people of Texas?According to the Republican Party of Texas:
The following comment was sent in from a reader regarding Fernando Trevino's post, "Why I Support Quico For TX-23 U.S. Representative."
This below and the previous discussion of Rep. Paul Ryan, were from a friend of mine from a campaign many years ago, who has co-written and published books, including one very recently that was distributed to Congress, on...
Sean Hannity devoted an entire hour to focus on the new film, "Generation Zero." This movie has raised some controversy as it completely refutes the popular notion that massive deregulation and failed capitalism caused the...
President Obama’s State of the Union address was like many of his other speeches - it was clearly well delivered and certainly he has a gift.
TexasGOPVote recently blogged about Jack McDonald, the top Democratic recruit, dropping out of the race to unseat Republican Rep. Mike McCaul (TX-8). With the Chicago-style politics Obama has brought to the White House, we...
On Saturday night the House of Representatives narrowly passed the health care bill 220 to 215. The only reason the bill made it was that an ammendment was added to prevent funding abortion. Pelosi had quite some...



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