United States

The new tower built around the 9/11 memorial is a reminder of American ingenuity and American resolve as a new and bigger tower is built on the real estate where the original towers were brought down. Consider the tower New...
As we're nearing the new year, what do you think has been the biggest government scandal of 2013? Is it the NSA spying on Americans? What about the DOJ targeting reporters? Or how about the Benghazi cover-up? But don't...
Al Sharpton certainly didn’t plan on black people blaming Obama for their troubles in Chicago.
As Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, I commend House and Senate Armed Services Committees colleagues on their continued efforts to pass the FY2014 National Defense...
This week kicked off my District Work Period in Texas. The House goes back in session in the nation’s capital on January 7, 2014. Here's a quick look at how I spent the first week of this Constituent Work Period and some of...
On December 20th, 2013, Texas Alliance for Life released their pro-life endorsement of Barry Smitherman for Texas Attorney General. This endorsement means that Barry Smitherman is the only candidate in the Texas Attorney...
Last week the House passed the Ryan-Murray budget deal that inadvertently changed the benefits for service members who retired due to a disability or a service-related injury. This is not acceptable and was not the intention...
This week, the State Department announced the designation of the al-Mulathamun Battalion as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity.The al-Mulathamun Battalion is led by...
Uncle Sam is crying “uncle,” at least for the fiasco that is HealthCare.gov (aka Obamacare), and running to the private sector for help. The White House incompetence is beyond belief. Where the website runs, the program will...
Ive heard at least two of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle say that, well we can come back and do this next year. Well, why do it next year if we could do it now?
Law enforcement catching a child rapist? Good work. Federal authorities equipped to catch a man who made child porn on his phone? Awesome. Enter mission creep.It is difficult to have a problem with federal authorities...
As we close out 2013, I want to thank you for giving me the privilege of serving you in Washington. People often ask me what I like best about this job, and the truth is that it’s working for you.In West Texas and the Big...
As Chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance, I released the following statement after reviewing the Federal Housing Agency’s (FHA) Annual Report to Congress Regarding the Financial Status of...
On the right we hear, "The border must be secured" and on the left we hear, "We must fix our broken immigration system". Both sides are right, but for a wide variety of reasons both are wrong if they will not look at the...
Article originally authored by Stephen K. Bannon and Larry Solov and published on Breitbart.com.What the left fears it attacks most viciously: and what it fears most are apostates. Breitbart News contributor Brandon...
This week, my fellow government "watchdogs" and I took our oversight efforts over the Obamacare #fail and its botched website out of the Committee hearing room and into ground zero for navigator issues: North Texas.I headed...
Last week, I had the opportunity to tour the DRS Technologies facility in Dallas. DRS Technologies is a leading supplier of defense products that focuses on developing, manufacturing, and supporting a broad range of mission...
A large narcotics ring based near the Arizona/Mexico border has been busted by U.S. authorities. The ring, identified by authorities as the Navarro Drug Trafficking Organization, was based in a small town on the notorious...
Today, along with all 20 Republican Science, Space, and Technology Committee members, I sent a letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy highlighting serious problems with the agency’s proposed New Source Performance...
The global climate change extortionists can’t be happy about the EPA’s leading expert on climate change going to prison.But that’s just where John C. Beale is going, as he pled guilty to shamelessly accepting almost $1...



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