liberal concoctions

The dictionary’s definition of the word delusion is: False representation, error, or mistake preceding from false views.Politically correct speech is an assault on our freedom of speech. We must have freedom of speech in...
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member...
This is a piece of random thoughts where conventional wisdom is turned upside down and corrected. Here is a thought, how many times does the left tells us how much of a failure those Bush tax cuts were? Of course, the job...
I recently caught up with Brandon Darby in Silsbee, Texas. The former prominent Leftie community organizer turned hero and patriot was working on bringing attention to what has been dubbed the Silsbee Rape Case. I took this...
“We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth” President John F Kennedy 
Watch this video and learn how liberal journalists think. This humorous but educational video shows a liberal woman explaining to her co-worker that the government should have more control over the media and that she does...
Science, is a weekly journal published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.The journal only allows non-subscribers to read an excerpt, but the AAAS report is available without subscription. In...
The press release below came in from the Broden for Congress Campaign regarding recent media reports that misrepresented Stephen Broden's remarks during a contentious interview. Stephen Broden is running against liberal...
*Updated with video.The following appeared on as "The Rest of the Story" following recent media reports that misrepresented Stephen Brodens remarks during a contentious interview. WFAA/DMN...
As the American public grows bored with President Obama and other leftists demonizing conservatives for existing and breathing air, the leftist bomb-throwers remain obtuse. They truly believe that the bomb-throwing is...
A Texas based judge with deep, overt ties to the Democratic Party has ruled that an anti-voter fraud organization--‘True the Vote’--is not a non-profit corporation as they claim, but instead an illegal front group for the...
Two years after passage of the President’s health care law, I have released a new video detailing a long list of broken promises that President Obama pledged his health care law would accomplish for the American people:
One very big reality about energy policy in the United States is it is held hostage to the religion of man created climate change. There are two important thoughts to consider. The first thought is that the United States...
For those who missed it, the new era of civility proceeds as noted leftist blog Alternet wrote about Herman Cain and other black conservatives,“because of what they believe, but rather because of how they entertain and...
The following came in from the Republican Party of Texas:In a recent news article published at Capitol Inside, a deputy spokesman for the Texas Democratic Party criticized Republican Hispanic members of the Texas Legislature...
Some time a few decades ago, Rosie O’Donnell, Roseanne Barr, and Joy Behar had an angry, hefty three-some. Science has yet to determine which of these people played the role of the woman.(Rachel Madcow did not participate...
Remember Jon Stewarts Rally to Restore Sanity, in which he tried to make a mockery of Glenn Becks Restoring Honor Rally? Steven Crowder attended the rally and talked to the people who attended. From the video below, its made...
In one week the 2010 Elections will take place, and the conventional wisdom has the Republicans cleaning the Democrats clocks. Liberals are scurrying like little rats jumping ship to get away from the failed unpopular...
In a print ad published in 41 newspapers across the state of Texas on October 5th, the so-called Back to Basics political action committee (PAC) claims that “the Texas unemployment rate has even grown more than the nation’s...
In “A Memo for Republican Candidates on the Winning Closing Argument for the Last Four Weeks," former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich stated: It is also an unassailable fact that in January 2007, when Nancy Pelosi and...



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