2012 Elections

The San Antonio Federal Court had a Redistricting hearing yesterday, 2/14/12. We had hoped for more clarity of when we will get to vote. After the hearing, things did not look so good…. Instead of clarity, we got chaos. A...
If there was any doubt about the importance of this election, Obama's war on the Catholic Church and the imposition of his secular view upon the Church should erase those doubts. Obama forcing the Church's various...
Many Americans in the United States are asking what could be a good ticket for the presidential nomination. The candidates in the Republican Party have been on the race for several months, some for several years. One thing...
Many Texas Democrats choose to perpetuate the myth that a voter’s ethnicity can predict which party they support. Democrats claim to represent Hispanic Texans, but that claim doesn’t match up with how Hispanics in Texas...
Monday, February 6th, was the deadline for a Texas Redistricting agreement to be made in order to have a one 2012 Primary Election in Texas on April 3rd. There was an agreement made between Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott...
Recently I sat down to interview Matt Rinaldi, Republican candidate for the Texas State House, District 115.
There have been two significant communications from different courts that gives us some indication as to the direction and the schedules that the San Antonio three-judge panel will take us in the ongoing Texas redistricting...
What if the Economy should improve between now and November?All of the Republicans and Obama agree that jobs need to be created. They just differ on HOW to create the jobs—the private sector or the...
The following is a press release from the Republican Party of Texas - The Republican Party of Texas has received numerous emails and calls over the last few days inquiring about the status of the redistricting lawsuit. It...
During the Hispanic Leadership Networks Inspiring Action Conference in Miami, Florida Jan. 26-27, Jeb Bush Jr., who is the Chairman of SUN PAC. FL, gave an interview for VOCES Action and TexasGOPVote.
I’m not one of those who thinks Mitt Romney has a liberal agenda. I sense that his agenda is to BE PRESIDENT, by hook or by crook. It is also my sense that he doesn’t violate his principles, and I...
Republican Party of Texas - On Friday afternoon, the San Antonio three-judge panel issued an order which clearly indicates that the Court wishes for both sides in the redistricting lawsuit to assist in resolving all of the...
This post is one side of an ONLINE DEBATE between Norman Adams and Shirley Spellerberg.My good friend Shirley Spellerberg has a problem with the two most likely presumptive GOP nominees for President. She...
A few days ago my high school friend who is an active Republican in Tampa, Florida sent me a Facebook message regretting her early primary vote for Romney, wishing she’d voted for Rick Santorum. Her sentiment joined a...
When Conservatives refuse to vote, we don’t just get fewer Republican voters. We end up with candidates chosen by the least knowledgeable voters.Conservatives are the foundation of the Republican Party, the remnant that has...
Roseanne Barr, who you might remember as the wise-cracking mom from the hit sitcom "Roseanne" (1988-1997) has announced that she is running for the Green Party's presidential nomination. Her paperwork has officially been...
“Men in general are quick to believe that which they wish to be true.” Julius Caesar If we look at who is courting who for votes, I shudder to think that we at the GOP are asleep at the wheel. We look at groups who blast...
Eric Dondero, a former aide to Ron Paul, made observations on Paul's foreign policy and his argument will be part of our discussion in answering the question on how to describe Ron Paul’s policy.
Recently I wrote a column on keeping Ron Paul in an anti-Obama coalition and what could be seen was the lack of the faith in the ruling class, in the case of Paul’s supporters, the Republican establishment. When asked the...
Why would Allen West be left vulnerable in Florida? This rising star within our party finds himself having to prepare for an onslaught from the Democrats without support from the establishment. The same guy who maneuvered...



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