2012 Elections

Who is Mitt Romney? I will admit I am not yet sold on the Romney quest for the White House, but there are aspects to be admired. When Bill O’Reilly pressed on Romney on why he didn’t talk about giving away his father's...
The San Antonio three Judge Federal Panel has released the Interim Maps for the Texas elections. After Months of waiting, the people of Texas will finally know what Districts they will be in for the upcoming Congressional,...
Here are some good videos of Gingrich and the contemporary unconstitutional legal convention and the proper balancing of the power of The Judicial branch of American government. They are properly one of three...
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To Err is Human, to Forgive is Divine Alexander PopeENTIRE DEBATE FROM MESA, ARIZONAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoFfUg8YtC0Why is it that Newt Gingrich, a convert to Catholicism is condemned for his infidelities and Rick...
Should the Republican Party of Texas go back to winner take all?The State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) will vote on Feb 29th, 2012 to change the rules and approve a Temporary Convention/Delegate Selection Plan....
It looks like Catholic Bishops are not the only ones fighting back against Obamacare's Attack on Religion. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has joined in the fight too!With so many challenges to the Obamacare, including...
NEWT GINGRICH DREAM TEAM Photograph introduced during his speech Chuck Norris, JC Watts, Kellyanne Conway, Fred Thompson, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Michael Reagan and Linda UpmeyerWhat an opportunity to go to DC and to attend...
Marriott Ballroom capacity 3,152CPAC-12 was fun and exciting. It is the only time you can see and hear so many conservatives and Republicans gather for one purpose, to excite and motivate the GOP electorate. You can get as...
Rick Santorum is a nice man. He has the attributes of all that is valuable in a husband and father. I applaud him for this. In a recent interview, he compared himself to Richie Cunningham, the character in the TV show,...
A reader writes: I have been looking for a list of economists who support Ron Paul for president. I constantly get the following comment from other economists, “Ron Paul doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s for the...
From www.txredistricting.org:The Republican Party of Texas and Texas Democratic Party submitted a proposed order this evening addressing changes to the election schedule needed to accommodate a May 29 primary. The court will...
CPAC-12 was an experience I won’t soon forget. Just being among 10,000 people was incredible. I must say that being sick on Friday did dampen my spirits a little, but luckily I was able to watch Saturday’s program on CSPAN...
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Jesse Jackson has often been referred to as a "Poverty Pimp" because of his statements and actions that have brought more harm and suffering to minorities than perhaps any other person in modern society.
Joe Straus (Texas Speaker of House) is OPENLY launching an all-out attack to oust one of our most conservative State Representatives, James White. Straus is holding a fundraiser in Austin this week to raise money to defeat...
This morning I read a story on BigGovernment.com regarding a meeting for David Dewhurst held at an Obama friend’s house. This story alleged that David Dewhurst had a fundraiser at the house and got cash from these Liberals....
The ability to adapt in a changing environment is keen to survival. As a species, humans have managed to survive because they have adapted to different surroundings albeit physical, environment, or social. Hence, change...
Disclaimer: the following article is the opinion of David Bellow, an individual who is on the SREC, and does not express the "official opinion" of the Republican Party of TexasThe State of Texas is under assault by...
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Speaking before a sold-out crowd of over 800 Houston business and community leaders, radio talk-show host Michael Berry joined with Texans for Sensible Immigration Reform activist Norman Adams, immigration attorney C
The San Antonio Federal Court regarding the redistricting lawsuit has declared that Texas will not have a Primary Election before May 29th, 2012. We have been told to plan for an election on May 29th but that we could also...
I believe that Governor Sarah Palin had the potential and many opportunities over the last 3 years to unite us in much the same way that Ronald Reagan did when he built his coalition between 1976 and 1980. The fact that she...



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