Illegal Immigration
May 10th, 2011
RPT - Today the Texas House passed HB 12, the Sanctuary Cities bill, by a vote of 100-47 on third reading. This bill allows cities and law enforcement to enforce federal immigration laws by preventing local policies in...
May 3rd, 2011
The following interview with Texas House Representative Dee Margo is one of a series of interviews conducted by VOCES Action and TexasGOPVote with members of the Hispanic Republican Conference in the 82nd session of the...
April 13th, 2011
While other American states and municipalities are scrambling in dealing with a porous border and a federal government that appears to care more for NCAA Brackets and Brazil’s energy development, Texas Republicans again cut...
April 11th, 2011
Plus read this article to see what Hispanics like Adryana Boyne and African Americans like Pastor John Lawson have to say about why the Republican Party is the best Party for Hispanics and African Americans.The new...
March 10th, 2011
WASHINGTON —U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) today questioned Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lieutenant General Ronald Burgess on the national security threat posed by...
February 21st, 2011
Congressman Lamar Smith (TX-21), Chairman of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, took some time out of his busy schedule last week to share his thoughts with the TexasGOPVote community. As Chairman of the House Judiciary...
February 17th, 2011
(VIDEO) No Documents? No Problem! Fox 5 News Goes Undercover on a Tax-Payer Funded Construction Site
What happens when a company gets caught ignoring the law? An investigative news team from Atlanta's Fox 5 News recently found out when it took a hidden camera onto a government-funded public school construction site....
February 4th, 2011
Houston and Harris County have become one of the leading markets for sex slavery and human trafficking. The problem is so expansive it even encompasses the Super Bowl (see below). Asian and Latino massage parlors pop up...
January 14th, 2011
Today, I addressed the 2011 Inaugural Conference of the Hispanic Leadership Network in Coral Gables, FL. The following are my remarks, as prepared for delivery:Thank you, Jorge Plasencia. I want to thank our co-chairs for...
December 28th, 2010
“To sum the matter up, the authorities are afraid, men with property and families are afraid, employees and decent workmen are afraid, and the only people who have nothing to fear at present are the criminals”. - Hans L...
May 10th, 2011
The following interview with Texas State Representative John Kuempel is one of a series of interviews conducted by VOCES Action and TexasGOPVote with members of the Hispanic Republican Conference in the 82nd session of the...
April 28th, 2011
The following interview with Texas Representative John Garza one of a series of interviews conducted by VOCES Action and TexasGOPVote with members of the Hispanic Republican Conference in the 82nd session of the Texas...
April 13th, 2011
The Latino National Republican Coalition of Texas (LNRC) applauds the work of members from the Hispanic Republican Conference of the Texas House for filing House Concurrent Resolution 88 (HCR 88) relating to immigration. We...
April 6th, 2011
Employee misclassification is theft and cheating. Misclassification is where an employer hires someone to work for them, but rather than honestly classify them an employee, they misclassify them as an independent contractor...
February 23rd, 2011
Republican Party of Texas - Texas State Senators Tommy Williams (R-The Woodlands) and State Representative Burt Solomons (R-Carrollton) have filed companion bills to prohibit sanctuary policies which either directly or...
February 18th, 2011
On Friday, February 11, freshman State Senator Jose Rodriguez (D – El Paso) filed SB600, which is basically the antithesis of Arizona’s SB1070 and then some. If passed, which I highly doubt (it’ll be lucky if it’s even...
February 7th, 2011
It has been nearly two months since US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was senselessly murdered in the darkness of the Arizona desert by Mexican bandits. Agent Terry was part of an elite BORTAC team assigned to patrol this...
January 18th, 2011
A YouTube video of two girls scaling an Arizona border fence has brought into question the effectiveness of border fences and the Secure Fence Act. This video was brought to my attention by Sally MacDonald of Houstons Fox 26...
January 12th, 2011
Texas' longest serving governor, Rick Perry, addressed the opening session of the Texas Legislature. In this speech, he declared two emergencies facing Texas and called for priority action on these issues. The first being...
December 9th, 2010
There was a man who wanted a better life and believed there had to be a better way. He was not educated but he had a very strong work ethic and could catch on pretty quickly.