
Schlumberger Opens a New Operations Facility in Bexar County

Schlumberger North America has opened a new operations facility in southern Bexar County. Schlumberger, one of the world’s biggest oil companies, has invested $19 million into the area to be closer to the Eagle Ford Shale oil reservoir. The company is expected to hire 100 new employees over the coming months and already employs 400 people.

The Eagle Ford Shale oil boom means incredible opportunity for both San Antonio and the smaller cities that surround it.

Losing a War or Two

When History is finally written about the Obama Administration, it may record how a President managed to lose two wars after inheriting one winning war and a strategy to win the other. Obama has one accomplishment, killing Osama Bin Laden, but that will be forgotten as American soldiers pull out amidst two countries in crisis and sacrifices made wasted with inept diplomacy abroad and a failure of the Obama Administration to make a case for his foreign policy at home. Obama never spent any of his political capital to defend his Afghanistan policy, and the American people have now abandoned their own support for a war that even President has given up on. Read more about Losing a War or Two

National Director of VOCES Action Adryana Boyne Speaks at Texas Rally for Faith and Freedom

The Texas Rally for Faith and Freedom was a gathering of Political Leaders and Activists organized by the Faith and Freedom Coalition of Texas. The Faith and Freedom Coalition is an organization that offers hope for America; after all faith and freedom make America great!

One of the purposes of this organization is to mobilize conservatives and people of faith to vote their values. The Faith and Freedom Coalition distributes voter guides to inform the community to where the candidates stand on the issues. Faith and Freedom Coalition Executive Director Gary Marx explained to the audience with a powerful powerpoint presentation how they

Planned Parenthood “affiliates” and the Texas Women’s Health Program

Thursday, the Austin Chronicle, the local “alternative” news source, has yet another article “Perry continues assault on women’s healthcare,” claiming that Governor Perry and the Commissioner of Health and Human Services Suehs have acted – seemingly on their own – to shut down the Texas Women’s Health Program (more info here) in order to spite the poor underdog, Planned Parenthood.

Thursday’s statement is that “The new regulation signed by Suehs – redefining “affiliate” to mean that Planned Parenthood clinics not providing abortions are deemed affiliated with those clinics that do – conflicts with federal law, as confirmed last week by U.S. Health and Human Ser­vices Secretary

Congressman Smith Hosts Small Business Forum

Congressman Lamar Smith hosted a small business forum Wednesday at Northeast Lakeview College in Universal City. Over 80 local small business owners attended this forum to learn about sources of available funding, government contracts and guidance on website development and use of social media. Read more about Congressman Smith Hosts Small Business Forum

Paralysis, Gridlock?

Are the Republicans causing “gridlock,” “paralysis,” etc. in Congress? Is it the Republican-controlled House or the Democrat-controlled Senate that can’t pass bills, can’t even pass a budget? Why is the theme of the day that nothing is happening in DC because of (wink, Republican) extreme partisanship? (See “Senate Gridlock explained in one chart,” “‘Deliberative’ Senate gripped by paralysis,” “Chipping away at Senate gridlock,” and the many articles about how “moderate” Olympia Snowe is.) (Whatever you do, do not mention “Jumpin’ Jim” Jeffords, much less Arlen Specter.)

Read more about Paralysis, Gridlock?

Houston ISD - Wage Theft and Bribery Allegations

Wage theft, payroll fraud, alleged bribery and Houston Independent School District (HISD). These are a group of phrases you really don't want to see in the same sentence. But, according to a recent blog post on Construction Citizen, HISD is the latest example of contractor's abuses of employees and theft of wages and other payroll abuses.

According to Construction Citizen, Marvin Mundo and Marciano Cruz are owed over $11,000 in wages from a contractor hired by HISD to do construction projects for Jane Long Middle School and Sharpstown High School.

Dig, Baby Dig

Sometimes, a simple solution sits in front of us and all it takes is the will to simply say “Go for it.” The solution for our energy problems is simple, “Drill, baby drill and dig, baby dig.” In previous articles, I have presented overwhelming data that shows that the United States is awash in energy as Congressional Research Service concluded that the United States has more than double the energy reserves than Saudi Arabia.

When you add that the United States have 28% of the world's coal reserves, you are talking a country where energy independence is within reach and one report noted,

White House Not So Transparent on FOIA

When President Barack Obama first took office, he promised “an unprecedented level of openness.” Instead, we have seen an unprecedented level of obstruction regarding the Freedom of Information Act.

Don’t take my word for it. Listen to Washington lawyer Katherine Meyer, who has filed Freedom of Information Act cases under six administrations, dating to the late 1970s. “This administration is the worst on FOIA issues,” Meyer recently told POLITICO. “The worst. There’s just no question about it.” Read more about White House Not So Transparent on FOIA

Representative Debbie Riddle Update for March

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know about some of the things that have been going on during the interim in our community and across our great state of Texas.


Recently, the Appropriations Committee was updated on the state's economy. We heard reports from the Comptroller's office as well as the Legislative Budget Board and the State Auditor's Office. While the national economy is still struggling,


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