
Smith: Leakers Should Face Jail Time

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) responded to the announcement that Attorney General Eric Holder has appointed two federal prosecutors to investigate recent leaks of highly classified national security information.

Recent leaks of highly classified information pose a serious threat to our national security and put the lives of Americans and our allies at risk. National security experts from both Republican and Democrat administrations have expressed outrage over the leaks and the effect they have on ongoing and future operations. Read more about Smith: Leakers Should Face Jail Time

Republican Party of Texas Adopts a Platform Including Guest Worker Program for Immigrants


Once again, Texas Republicans show leadership on the issue of immigration reform. Friday night, in Fort Worth, Texas, the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) took a historic step toward finding solutions for our nation’s broken immigration policies. Since Monday, members of the Platform Committee heard testimony from a wide variety of people on the issues of border security and immigration reform. Most nights working until all who wanted to speak were able to do so. The result is a new plank in the platform of the party called “The Texas Solution”.

Read more about Republican Party of Texas Adopts a Platform Including Guest Worker Program for Immigrants

Susurrus – Or, “How to divide a Party”


Okay, I’ll admit it: I like the word, “susurrus,” and look for excuses to use it. A better term would be “whispers from the crowd that are going around” or . . .

There are rumblings that the 2012 Republican Party of Texas Platform is “pro-amnesty.”  The ones saying this have a history of assuming the worst and getting attention because they accuse.

The wording in the RPT 2012 platform (on page 21) titled, “The Texas Solution” plank isn’t “pro-amnesty.” It is a little wimpy and *too easily interpreted* to allow amnesty – especially if someone or some group chooses to interpret it that way. Read more about Susurrus – Or, “How to divide a Party”

Is Obama a Birther, Is Clinton Going Rogue and other Thoughts

When it was revealed that Obama put down in one of his literary booklets that he was born in Kenya in the early 90’s, one has to come to the conclusion, Barack Obama is the original birther. So does that mean that Obama doesn’t believe his own birth certificate is real? Who would have thought that both Obama and Donald Trump believe that Obama was not born in Hawaii?

Wisconsin could be a harbinger to what is to come. For one, the exit polls had this at a dead heat only to find Walker winning by a larger margin than his previous election in 2010. So are polls underestimating conservative strength? If I was an Obama pollster, I may want to pursue that question. Read more about Is Obama a Birther, Is Clinton Going Rogue and other Thoughts

RPT 2012 Immigration Platform: The Texas Solution


See Also: Republican Party of Texas Adopts a Platform Including Guest Worker Program for Immigrants

A Texas Solution for a Texas problem has been passed by the Republican Party of Texas Platform Committee and will be voted on the floor in front of the full committee later today. The current 2012 draft is the work of a week of meetings with the subcommittees and the full committee. For the first time in memory, a coalition was formed between members of groups such as the Minutemen and IRCOT (NOTE: see letter from IRCOT below) and those seeking a legal status. All sides agreed that a temporary worker program is the only workable solution.

Smith: Confidence in DOJ Lacking

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) grilled Attorney General Eric Holder at a hearing Thursday in Washington, D.C. about whether White House officials were aware of ATF’s Operation Fast & Furious, which contributed to the shooting death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. The Attorney General appeared before the House Judiciary Committee for an oversight hearing on the Justice Department’s activities. Read more about Smith: Confidence in DOJ Lacking

The Nation's Largest Republican Gathering Kicks Off in Fort Worth - Republican Party of Texas State Convention


The nation's largest gathering of Republicans, the State Convention of the Republican Party of Texas (RPT), kicked off today in Fort Worth Texas with bagpipes blaring, patriotic songs, pledges to the flags of the United States of America and the great state of Texas, and inspiring speeches. RPT Chairman Steve Munisteri opened the convention followed shortly by speeches from the longest serving governor in the nation, Governor Rick Perry and our resolute Attorney General, Greg Abbott. Read more about The Nation's Largest Republican Gathering Kicks Off in Fort Worth - Republican Party of Texas State Convention

Response to Article: Walker's Wisconsin win likely paves end of the road for Democrat party

Okay, I'll grant that big Republican wins in Wisconsin and San Jose, CA are milestones of second thought AT THIS PARTICULAR TIME. But this article is charmingly optimistic. Leftism in human society is more hearty than cockroaches in nature. And they say cockroaches may be the only animal species to survive a nuclear blast.

So people are queasy about massive debt and out-of-control public liabilities. But "death of the Democratic Party?" We're getting a little excited, aren't we? The Democrats will pare back the rhetoric if necessary to accommodate public sentiment. But leftist pandering and envy-peddling isn't going away.

Republican Congressman David Rivera introduces STARS Act, Conservative Alternative to the DREAM Act

Florida Republican Congressman David Rivera introduced a conservative alternative to the DREAM Act last week called "Studying Towards Adjusted Residency Status" or STARS Act. This piece of legislation would allow undocumented immigrants under the age of 19, who arrived in the country before the age of 16, and who demonstrate good moral conduct and get admitted to college to apply for a five year non-immigrant status. Read more about Republican Congressman David Rivera introduces STARS Act, Conservative Alternative to the DREAM Act

The RPT Platform Committee


For most of the last two days, the Temporary Platform Committee (the Permanent Platform Committee won’t be elected formally until the individual Senate Districts meet on Thursday) of the Republican Party of Texas has worked as separate Sub-Committees dealing with the broad outlines of the 2010 Platform. As the representative from SD 25 appointed by the SREC to the Temporary Committee, I was on the “Strengthening Families, Preserving Life and Promoting Health” Sub-Committee which worked from 1 PM until after 10 PM on Monday and from 9:30 until 6:30 PM on Tuesday. Read more about The RPT Platform Committee


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