
Liberty Depends on Keeping Promises

Liberty depends on each of us keeping our word, following the rule of law, and honoring contracts. When men and women will not honor their promises or keep their word, the law must enforce contracts. At least nominally, this is a basic tenent of libertarians and conservatives. Read more about Liberty Depends on Keeping Promises

What is at Stake? The Constitution!

This election may be a transformation election, beginning with the economy, but underneath the surface is the question: can we limit the power of government? Obamacare is but one case where economic freedom is at stake. The idea that a person could be forced to buy a product they don’t want or need because the government demands it is a misuse of the commerce clause. Read more about What is at Stake? The Constitution!

Sweden: No Longer the Free Market Conversation Stopper

A great piece in Bloomberg that takes apart the “What about Sweden?” non-argument that invariably comes up in debates over the free market. (Thanks to Chris B.)

Incidentally, Bob Murphy notes that Paul Krugman, in his typical style, misleads about what’s been happening in Sweden. Bob writes: “Did you have any idea that Sweden ran a budget surplus of 2% of GDP in 2011? Me neither. Reading Krugman certainly did[n't] give me any reason to suspect that. Krugman had produced a chart and implied that the United States was engaged in more austerity than Sweden.

Cruz - Dewhurst Fight For The Future Of Texas And For The US Senate Open Seat


Ted Cruz Rocks Texas GOP Convention!

There certainly was a lot of excitement at the Texas State Convention in Fort Worth, not only among all the delegates but you could feel the momentum rising from the run-off candidates, their staff and volunteers adding to the thrill of the overall experience.

Experience Matters

Who would have thought, but South Texas actually has an interesting race on the Republican side for Congress! Of course we are still in the middle of a runoff, but now that we are getting close to November we must look at our candidates and decide who is the conservative that can actually win. Congressional District 34 is probably the most competitive seat in Texas,

Marine Captain Dan Moran An American Hero - Center Of Controversy

Dan Moran

Marine Captain Dan Moran, an American hero and Iraq war veteran, was introduced to us when he endorsed Governor Rick Perry in a TV ad and now he has chosen to endorse Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst for the US Senate seat. Everyone has the right to choose and to endorse their favorite candidate. Just after Captain Moran was featured in the campaign ad on Saturday, June 9 at the state convention promoting Dewhurst, twitter came alive.

RPT 2012: Are we united or divided?


Last weekend, I joined many other proud Texas Republicans in traveling up to Fort Worth, Texas to take part in the largest political convention in the country.

While there were many highlights to this convention, such as meeting great candidates for office and the adoption of “The Texas Solution,” a practical concept for immigration reform that many TexasGOPVote bloggers have been advocates of for years, something was missing. Read more about RPT 2012: Are we united or divided?

The Coming Euro Collapse

Euro collapseThe euro's discontentment began in Greece, a country whose GDP is exceeded by that of many of our states. The late Milton Friedman predicted the demise of the euro within a decade and his prophecy is not far off as European experience is about to blow up. The euro was the experiment that was to unite all of Europe, the final effort to wipe out past history of wars and conflict. Instead, the experience is bringing back the conflicts and rivalries long thought buried. Read more about The Coming Euro Collapse

Moran, Pierson, and Twitter

Moran Pierson TwitterHave y’all been following the insult to Former Marine Dan Moran by Katrina Pierson? She called him “deformed” and said he is being exploited because he endorsed Lieutenant David Dewhurst for Texas Senate. Here’s the archived page.

(I received the whole thing through retweets, since I blocked Pierson on Sunday, before all of this happened.)

Follow @danmoran on Twitter to see his side of the conversation. Pierson deleted the “offending” comment on her account. The Twitter debate

Texas Is The Future - Texas State Convention


Governor Rick Perry addressed the Texas delegation on the first day of the convention Thursday, June 7. As usual his speech was motivational and geared to ‘Keep Texas Republican.’ He enumerated accomplishments from the past and looks to the future of Texas as a leader. “We need a president who believes in us again,” he remarked. It was an inspiring speech but somewhere towards the middle as he endorsed Lt Gov David Dewhurst, the mere mention of that name brought a spontaneous BOO! The grating BOO engulfed the arena taking 15 seconds to die down.


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