Sonja Harris

Never Forget 9/11!?  It was early in the morning on September 11, 2001 that America was attacked; the Twin Towers in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington DC, and United Flight 93 were the intended targets. America lost...
Sometime in April, I was contacted by Josh Kaib from the Franklin Center.  I have to commend Josh in his persistence in trying to reach me. When we finally connected, I was thankful and honored that he offered me an all-...
Will the Republicans fall for the mainstream media commentary on what came down at the Republican National Convention concerning Ted Cruz’ speech?
The 2016 convention was held in Dallas, at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, Texas May 12 through May 14. There were a grand total of 8,994 delegates making it the largest in the country. Over 10,000 people were in...
The America of old is about to collide with the America of now. We all know whether you support or do not support the 2016 Republican presidential presumptive nominee that there is definitely something amiss.
As the presidential campaigns were being conducted in America on Tuesday, March 22, radical Islamic terrorists were attacking the Brussels Airport and Metro Station leaving body parts, dead, and injured scattered throughout...
Bill Harris is a featured author on The RED REPORT. He was a very well respected prosecutor for Bexar County and among his case load were white collar crimes, juvenile and capital offenses including death penalty cases. He...
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. - Thomas Jefferson
Why would anyone run for public office against someone with the same last name if only to purposely confuse and exploit the public? This is exactly what Rick Green, with no judicial experience and a tainted history, appears...
In an unexpected Iowa victory, Ted Cruz won with 27.7% of the vote. Certainly the Cruz Campaign never gave up hope that Cruz would come in at #1. Donald Trump had been the expected #1 winner but failed to bring out enough of...
Susan Narvaiz launched her campaign headquarters in Bexar County on Wednesday, August 24, and it was a great success
For the past several years Sonja Heldt Harris has been photographing the changing seasons in Texas from droughts to floods which she witnesses from her ranch in the Texas Hill Country. She is a native Texan from San Antonio...
It’s been over 40 days since Ted Cruz ended his presidential bid to the White House and left Donald Trump as the lone survivor of the Republican 2016 presidential primary campaign. In spite of this torch passing, it was the...
Texas House District 73 incumbent Doug Miller is facing a challenger, Kyle Biedermann, a hardware store owner with absolutely no legislative or community involvement experience. In fact, Biedermann in his debates claims to...
Good Morning America! How does it feel that a cheat and a liar just beat out a man of integrity for the Republican nomination? Donald Trump won Indiana and Ted Cruz suspended his campaign because he could not see a viable...
Much has been written about this illusory Donald Trump that America has been witnessing right before our eyes through the media. All we read, hear and see is about this man called Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican...
Lamar Smith represents the people of Congressional District 21 which has an approximate 766,190 residents of which only 68,383 voted in 2012 and 66,918 in 2014. Smith had one of the highest voting turnouts and that is...
Garrison Maurer is challenging the incumbent, Donna Eccleston, for Comal County Commissioner in Precinct 1. I will admit that I supported Eccleston in getting elected, but as time has gone by she has proven to be a big...
Much research goes into any candidate that I finally choose to endorse making certain that the person is truly qualified and believes in conservative values. One such person is Justice Debra Lehrmann who deserves to be re-...
Only Ben Carson knows the truth about his earth-shaking controversy. It seems that Ben Carson first blamed CNN for his 4th place standing in the Iowa Caucuses on February 1. On February 3, 2016 at 11:07am an email was sent...



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