2011: Tim Tebow, Quarterback for the Denver Broncos, has been greatly criticized and even mocked by NFL players and the Media/SNL for openly practicing his Christian faith.2010: Two Muslim...
It is said every year, the commercialization of Christmas is terrible. Personally, I do not buy into that philosophy that somehow the giving of gifts is evil and refraining from celebrating Christmas is not much different...
From the public rhetoric and actions, it appears that the Left’s motto is “If I can’t have it, no one can.” In direct contrast to all the talk of protecting and preserving the middle class from the Obama administration, I’m...
The following statement was issued after the Senate passed a bi-partisan bill requiring the President to decide within 60 days whether or not to allow construction of the Keystone XL pipeline to proceed:The President says he...
True the Vote - On Tuesday, December 13 a rally was held near the LBJ Library at the University of Texas, Austin to highlight the attack on election reforms launched inside by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Holder went...
I want to welcome all of you to this Texas Workforce Commission annual conference and thank you for all you do to help make the Texas’ labor market the strongest in the nation.When I spoke to you one year ago, we faced a...
Today, December 15, is the day we commemorate the first ten ratified amendments to the Constitution of the United States, more popularly called our Bill of Rights.There were twelve Amendments proposed, but only ten ratified...
Soldiers in Oklahoma and in states bordering Oklahoma (Missouri and Texas) have been on alert after the Crips put a “hit” out for all Crips Members to shoot any U.S. soldier in uniform on sight. That’s right, U.S. Soldiers...
The Obama Administration has told Texas that our State is not allowed to decide who will provide medical care under Title X Family Planning and Well Woman funds. The Administration has recently ruled in a similar manner for...
I previously wrote an article stating that the Texas Primary Elections will likely be split with one in March and the other in May. This is what the Texas Republican Party and the AG argued for.Not everyone likes that idea...
In a last minute announcement from School Board Trustee Bill Morris, the time for the Special Board Meeting of the Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Board of Trustees has been changed from 3 pm to 6 pm.  The published agenda on the...
CFISD Berry Center.jpg
FOLLOW UP: See the results of this meeting and a video of the discussion in my follow-up story.Update: In an attempt to diffuse public attendance, the meeting has been changed to 6:00 PM. Since...
Update: After this article went up, the local media picked up on the story. KBTV Fox 4 was the first tv station to do a story on it. click here to see it
Redistricting Update: San Antonio Federal Court signs order pushing all Texas Primary Elections back to just one date, April 3rd, 2012. No split Primary dates.When the US Supreme Court took up the Texas...
2012 is the year that conservatism begins the process of identifying itself for the 21st century while changing the face of a major Political Party. The Democratic and the left goes into the election confident of an...
Where voter registration fraud prevails, voter fraud likely prevails. Without the Texas ID bill, voter registration is the primary defense against fraud.VOCES Action stands strongly in educating Hispanics on the conservative...
One year ago today, I wrote my first story about the murder of US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Brian was killed in a shootout by Mexican bandits who prowl this region of Arizona to rob drug smugglers and human...
With the recent addition of yet another set of emails exposing the scientific corruption involved in climate science, the knife is being twisted into the credibility of many of the climatogists whose mantra has been, “The...
U.S. Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn, R-Texas, submitted statements to the Congressional Record recognizing Baylor University’s starting quarterback Robert Griffin III for winning the 77th annual Heisman Memorial...
One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. Which road do I take? she asked. Where do you want to go? was his response. I don't know, Alice answered. Then, said the cat, it doesn't matter.In...



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