Before the opening of the jobs fair I recently hosted with Workforce Solutions Alamo at the Live Oak Civic Center, people began lining up outside. By the 9 a.m. start time, the line was wrapped around the civic center and...
In a recent survey of American teachers, it was reported that 76% of middle school students say that they plan to pursue a college degree or higher, but in actuality, only 28% of these students will actually attend a...
A reader in Brazil writes to observe that Ron Paul is very good at explaining his positions if he’s given adequate time to do so. Why not do it, then? Let people hear, from Dr. Paul’s own mouth, what he believes across a...
This news and video first broke on Andrew Breitbart’s website this past Saturday.Former liberal activist/turned Tea Party conservative Brandon Darby was one of the featured speakers at the Choose Liberty 2012 event...
Herman Cain's wife, Gloria Cain, went "On the Record" with Greta Van Susteren Monday night to discuss the harassment allegations against her husband for the first time. She discusses the character of Herman Cain, explaining...
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. ...
If the Supreme Court rules Obamacare constitutional, it will have ruled that all American jurisdictions MUST permit of the destruction of unborn children, that the federal government can dictated...
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott fights hard for Texans and for Conservative Principles. After the passage of Obama’s Health Care Law, including the Individual Mandate, Abbott joined 26 other states in filing a lawsuit...
An exchange at the recent 2011 G20 summit between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and President Obama, captured on microphones the two thought were not yet turned on, offered the world a small window on their views of...
The Newt And Herman Debate—America is “Entitled” to More Like This - "Critics complained that Newt and Herman agreed too much—so we cannot call this a debate. But that was what was so great. They were not looking for reasons...
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. New Solyndra e-mails...
Listed below are the dates of the GOP Primaries and Caucuses leading up to the August 27-30th Republican National Convention in Tampa. The dates may be subject to change so check with your local board of elections to verify...
Ahead of the upcoming vote in the House of Representatives, I will call on Congress to adopt a strong balanced budget amendment to the Constitution in a speech at the Heritage Foundation today.The following are excerpts from...
Just 24 hours after Rick Perry's memory block in the Michigan GOP Presidential Debate, Rick Perry appeared on David Letterman's "Top 10". It's great to see Rick Perry show a sense of humor!
It would appear that the Cain “sexual harassment” scandal is petering out and for the simple reason; the evidence is weak and it's becoming more apparent that this was more of a hit job than a real scandal. As Ann Coulter...
I issued this statement today following the United States Supreme Court’s decision to hear the challenge to President Obama’s health care law:The individual mandate violates the liberties our founders fought so hard to...
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of...
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.Thomas JeffersonA confident Republican is one who dares, to question the rhetoric, the laws, or disunity of what the...
Some thought that Rick Perry's Presidential Campaign was over with after Perry, during a debate, could not remember the third Federal agency that he would shut down if he became President.



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