Elizabeth Perez, conservative candidate for Houston City Council At-Large #2 sent the following in about this Saturday's Cain-Gingrich Debate:Texas is getting lots of attention with the Republican Presidential candidates....
occupy.png is reporting that an ACORN front group, under the name of New York Communities for Change, is paying homeless people $100 a day to protest in the Occupy Wall Street movement. Watch the interview...
In these difficult economic times, too many Americans are still looking for work. In September, San Antonio’s unemployment rate hit 7.9 percent – the highest it has been in at least 21 years.I am hosting a job fair in...
It would seem that someplace, somewhere there are two or maybe seven or eight Republicans debating. The major complaint is that there are too many debates. Maybe the critics are right, but these debates have proven a...
The Liberal Media is afraid of electable Republican minorities.When Marco Rubio ran for U.S. Senate in Florida, the media and political establishment went on the attack. He was a tea party conservative Republican. That was...
While the "Occupy" movement protests broken labor ethics and a lack of U.S. jobs in New York's Zuccotti Park, there is a growing shortage of skilled craftspeople in America to work on building projects such as World Trade...
gop is the new black from hinterland gazette.jpg
Black Conservative Republican Apostle Claver Kamau-Imani, founder of, is not afraid to tell the black community that the Republicans are the good guys and the Democrats are the bad guys. He has been...
Rick Perry has released his tax reform and the GOP primary voters have one more idea yet to consider. Since Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan, the word is tax reform and changing the whole system. Newt Gingrich has his tax reform...
Last week we attended a function in Dallas honoring retired U.S. Senator Phil Gramm, whose life as a public figure and servant was highlighted in a presentation by U.S. Senator John Cornyn, U.S. Representative Jeb Hensarling...
Today, I released the following statement in response to the House’s passage of a repeal to the 3% withholding tax set to take effect in January 2013:Now more than ever, the American people demand and deserve for Congress to...
Who would have ever thought that C-SPAN was Cool?It is.Voters are getting tired of biased reporting and suffocating commentary. They are tired of the quick sound bites and boxing match style reporting. People just want to...
Event: This coming Saturday night (11.5.11) at a live event, a historic “Lincoln-Douglas” debate will be held in The Woodlands, Texas (N. of Houston) between only two GOP presidential candidates, Newt...
TexasGOPVote was on the scene reporting from the Occupy protests back when they were (as-advertised) peaceful protests. (VIDEO, PHOTOS) Occupy Wall Street Protests in New York City Columbus DayOccupy Philadelphia: vegetarian...
Julie Turner, President of the Texas Patriots PAC, talks about the unique debate between Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich and also why this format is so important for conservatives and for our country. The debate takes place...
If you are not able to make the trip to Texas, the C-SPAN Network, WSB Radio Network and The Neal Boortz Network will offer fully televised and audio live broadcasts of The Cain-Gingrich Debate on November 5th in The...
I recently posted Why Romney Won't Win And Shouldn't on TexasGOPVote, saying that it has been evident for a long time that a large majority of Republican voters are opposed to Mitt Romney as the Republican...
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Herman Cain addresses over 3,000 Conservative voters at the Clear Lake Tea Party Rally on October 25th, 2011. He addressed foreign policy, rebuilding the economy, rebuilding the tax code, energy independence, illegal...
The Texas Patriots PAC is hosting a debate between Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich on Saturday, November 5th for a substantive discussion of the most pressing issues facing America today. The event will be held at The...
Right now, more than 13 million Americans are unemployed, and our country is in desperate need of job creation and economic development. If President Obama is serious about putting Americans back to work, he would look no...
Is "Anonymous" behind the Occupy Wall Street protests, and who or what is Anonymous anyway? Brandon Darby explains.Anonymous is a "hacktivist" group, that is, hackers + activists, that have also been described as an anarchic...



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