A critic writes:Our entire system is based is based on profits and losses driving decision making and economic activity, but our accounting does not always capture all the costs.If I open a new factory near a river for 5...
I have held two telephone town meetings with thousands of Bexar County constituents. I use the technology, also known as a “tele-town hall”, to stay in touch with constituents when I am in Washington for votes.
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.A new report out...
In this interview, performance artist and educator Kanene Holder discusses her train of thought when deciding what to write on her sign she was bringing to the Occupy Wall Street protest. She explains her decision to write...
Today I sent a letter to Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) requesting that they look into allegations of additional Texas-based “gun-walking” programs similar to the “Fast and Furious” operation they...
Andrew Breitbart's BigGovernment.com has picked up on a newly-discovered video showing New York Times reporter Natasha Lennard speaking in a left-wing Occupy Wall Street discussion group.In the video, Lennard is seen...
Let us give Obama credit for one thing, there is one less evil dictator in the world making the world is a better place. To see Gaddafi's body paraded in the street, one is reminded of the demise of Mussolini, who was hung...
Jamie Dimon, head honcho of Wells Fargo, helped launch the Obama presidency, when he along with other Wall Street tycoons, contributed early to the Obama campaign. His donation and early support gave Obama street cred with...
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AUSTIN—Texas House Speaker Joe Straus (R-San Antonio) charged members of the Texas House of Representatives with studying a range of issues crucial to Texas’ future, including ways to: attract more manufacturing jobs and...
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One thing for sure about roller coasters. They bring you up quickly and then they send you right back to the bottom! Herman Cain has been riding that rickety roller coaster right to the top of the GOP polls recently.
Newt Gingrich’s campaign was left for dead a few months ago, as campaign debt expanded and his campaign staff deserted him for Rick Perry and other campaigns. He is still in debt, but his performance in the debates have...
The House Judiciary Committee today passed a bill to restore accountability to government regulations. Sponsored by Congressman Geoff Davis (R-Ky.) and I, the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act (H...
Will Obama lose Iraq? This is not an insignificant question, since Obama inherited a winning situation in Iraq, but now he is in danger of making our sacrifice in Iraq meaningless. The goal of the incoming Administration...
This is mainly from comments on Bob Price’s Sunday post. The question of Herman Cain’s position and statements on abortion and the relevant issues are critical, both in terms of the morality of this particular question, and...
You know I never understood why rapper Sean “P Diddy” Combs started up a movement called “Vote or Die.” Was he going to kill you if you didn’t vote, or were you just going to die spontaneously? Anyway, you are not going to “...
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Herman Cain attempted to reverse his pro-choice statements made on the Piers Morgan Tonight Show. Controversy arose after Cain said what many, including this author, believed to be "Pro-Choice" comments about the familys...
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.New state...
Even 9/11 Truthers are adding their voice among the growing and diverse list of grievances held by Occupy Wall Street protesters. Now we can add investigating the possible role of the government in the collapse of the...
Religious freedom was affirmed once again at the Houston VA Cemetery as US District Court Judge Lynn Hughes signed off on an agreement between Houston veterans and volunteer groups and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA...



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