Dinesh D’Souza

I expect this will be typical of others who even discuss the movie at all. The movie reporting web site, IMDb had a short review of the movie "America: Imagine The World Without Her," in a report titled, "Lionsgate to...
"For over two hundred years, America has been a shining city on the hill: a symbol of freedom and opportunity for the rest of the world. An inspiration for those living in abject poverty or under oppressive regimes. A refuge...
The movie 2016: Obama's America gives us insight into the real Obama in a well-produced documentary, but then when you have one of Hollywood's better film makers, Gerald Molen on board, a well-produced film should...
The most recent cover of Newsweek features an article entitled “Hit the Road, Barack - Why We Need a New President”. Considering that Newsweek is an established member of the liberal mainstream media, it is a truly...
Friday night, Houston once again claimed a prize.
Having met Dinesh D'Souza briefly, having seen his first movie 2016 and read that book, and now having seen the new movie America—Imagine the World without Her...
When I first heard of “2016: Obama’s America,” I was pretty skeptical. I was afraid this was just going to be another movie bashing President Obama. I would not say I’m a defender of the President; in fact, I have been...
http://2016themovie.com/It was in DC during CPAC-2012 that I first heard Dinesh D’Souza speak about his film, Obama’s America 2016, and I was there to see the first trailer and hear him describe the film. On...

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