Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh, the monumentally influential media icon who transformed talk radio and politics in his decades behind the microphone, helping shape the modern-day Republican Party, died Wednesday morning at the age of 70...
Last week as the swirling firestorm of reported sexual harassment of women by men in many prominent walks of life - Hollywood, the Media and politicians. Rush Limbaugh offered some needed thoughtful comments:
Limited government. Free enterprise. Lower taxes. Less spending. What do all of these things have in common? These are conservative principles, or so they say. Things that I would personally think that a Republican led...
The immigration reform bill, sponsored by U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has sparked a lot of discussion around the country bring about the kind of national debate we have needed for a very long time. Recently, Americans...
 Filling in for Rush Limbaugh the other day, Walter Williams spent quite a bit of time advocating the principle of state nullification of unconstitutional federal laws.
Yeah, I know it’s “Doonesbury.”Garry Trudeau has always been a leftist, pro-abort (he “satirized” the movie “Silent Scream” in 1985) who has no problem flaunting the power of his cartoon, Doonesbury. This week, he’s taking...
Two years ago, my good friend Richard Nadler passed away. Mr. Nadler was a genius who saw opportunities in expanding the conservative majority while implementing the plans to do just that. As President of Americas PAC, I...
The following two links are to the same article, the first subject line from The Washington Post, and the second from, speaking of which, here’s a video from with recent news that might interest you...
In 2005, Senator Obama had some advice for President Bush as he toured the country trying to build support for his proposed reform of Social Security:
Mayflower Compact
I have to give Rush Limbaugh credit for “the rest of the story” of Thanksgiving on his show. It is a story about the failure of socialism and the successes of capitalism!
Senate Democrats had planned to use Johnny “Football” Manziel to distract people from the big Obamacare vote?The cloture vote (vote to end debate) happened today. The Senate was originally pushing for a Saturday vote. This...
From the Declaration of Independence: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."...
Election Day voting in Harris County is very stong in traditional Republican polling locations. This according to former Harris County Tax Man, Paul Bettencourt. In a conversation today Bettencourt said we could see voter...
Most recently, I had a left wing writer in a series of exchanges accuse me of race-baiting, writing racist materials and pandering to racists. The reason? I wrote a piece making the case that Romney, even as a member of the...
Genesis 2:25 v Genesis 3:7 Taken from on line dictionary SHAME: a negative emotion that combines feelings of dishonor, unworthiness, and embarrassment SHAMELESS: untroubled or unaffected by shame, especially in situations...
We all knew President Obama and Brad Pitt were related, but genealogy research shows that Obama shares blood with another well-known icon, although this one he may not be too happy about  - Sarah Palin. Will Obama think...
During the day, I usually listen to a couple of radio talk show hosts.  I remember the late 1980’s when Rush Limbaugh was growing into a national phenomenon. All of my life before, there had been no media representation of...

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