Latinos and the GOP
April 15th, 2013
Panelists at the Una Nacion Under God – A Dialogue: The panel consisted of Ivan Andarza, an immigration attorney, Dr Alex Mendes Director of Hispanic Ministries, Evangelical Free Church of America, Dr Richard Land...
April 3rd, 2013
An important statewide conference will be taking place in the beautiful Texas State Capitol from 10 AM to – 3 PM on Saturday April 6th, at the Capitol Grill (enter in the main capitol building).The theme of the event is...
March 11th, 2013
Ocho Street, Little HavanaWe just came back from our ‘vacation,’ and I can tell you that I am ecstatic to be back home in TEXAS. There is no place like HOME SWEET HOME! We visited Miami, South Beach and Little Havana.
February 8th, 2013
Co-written by Eduardo AguirreMitt Romney's defeat in the 2012 presidential election has been met by many Republicans as a challenge. If they hope to regain the White House, the party must address important...
January 15th, 2013
Texas Representative J.M. Lozano is not a new face in the House of Representatives, but he is a new face as a Republican State Representative. Lozano, who was a conservative, blue dog Democrat, changed parties last year, and...
December 10th, 2012
I am often asked, why do you place yourself in a group, and box yourself in when you should assimilate into America. The answer is twofold. First, because of government categorization, Latinos have to select a box that...
November 24th, 2012
America’s devastating loss to Obama a couple weeks ago has prompted a lot of discussion about how the Republican Party moves forward from here. The talk of dropping social conservatism is the most disturbing to me. Social...
November 20th, 2012
The number is unclear, but it appears that there are about 11 Million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. Of them, 70% are Latinos. It is further unclear as to how many of them became undocumented, and to many it...
November 14th, 2012
Now before all you noise makers on the extreme right get your knickers in a wad, this is not a story about amnesty. But it is a story about fixing a problem that should have been fixed in the last decade. It is also a story...
November 10th, 2012
George P. Bush is a Conservative Hispanic Texan. His father is Jeb Bush who is a former Florida Governor and brother of former U.S. President and Texas Governor George W. Bush. George P. Bush's mother was born in Mexico....
April 4th, 2013
It is clear that border security and immigration reform are two separate issues. Yet the two must be linked together as we try to develop a responsible solution to both of these problems facing our nation. Today, in Houston...
March 28th, 2013
Too often Republicans play defense on policy issues and allow Democrats (and the willing media accomplices) to control the language and tactics of the debate. Immigration reform has certainly been one of these areas....
February 25th, 2013
When Texas voted in this last election, no one did an exit poll; perhaps because it would have shown that Latinos voted for the Democrats in larger numbers than we Republicans wanted to acknowledge. The fear that Texas is...
February 4th, 2013
In 1992, I was invited to go on a deep sea fishing trip off the coast of Mexico. We were to fly from Los Angeles to Guadalajara. Even though at the time one could travel to Mexico with just a driver license or birth...
January 11th, 2013
During the first day of the Texas 83th Legislative session, I spoke at the Capitol with Steve Munisteri, Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas. He responded to the expectations and the future of the Republican Party as...
December 5th, 2012
Houston, Texas – Today the Republican Party of Texas (Texas GOP) the state’s largest and most effective advocate for promoting a conservative philosophy of government, voted the Republican Hispanic Citizens In Action...
November 21st, 2012
In June 2012, the largest state Republican convention in the country overwhelmingly approved a sensible immigration plank. It is known as the Texas Solution. Texas Republicans are no longer willing to kick the can down the...
November 15th, 2012
Texas Senator Elect Ted Cruz has taken the nation by storm. Ted Cruz has proven that you can be a non-compromising super conservative and still be elected in America. Cruz has proven that grassroots campaigns with no...
November 12th, 2012
If someone would tell me that Romney would have received, as a percentage, almost as many votes from gay voters as Hispanics or Asian voters, I would say no way. Romney's defeat can be attributed to two things, a massive...
November 9th, 2012
COUNTIES INTERACTION MAP click to See how your county voted am extremely proud to be a native Texan. I love where I live between the hills and along the Guadalupe River...