Obama Administration

John Durham
In confirming what America already knows, John Durham issued his first recommendation in the first coup against President Trump.
This week I gave opening remarks for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies virtual event on ‘The Future of Iran.’ During my remarks, I called for collapsing the Iranian regime, following the example of U.S. policy toward...
During the Obama administration our unemployment reached over 6% in the U.S.  Understand that our calculation for unemployment was changed when Bill Clinton took office in 1993.  The new popular calculation used...
Is wind turbine electricity even “green”? A number of very credible studies, according to Forbes Magazine, asserts that the actual costs of generating wind power is three times the cost of using natural gas to make the same...
The truth is finally coming out on the Russia Influence Fiction. And now the investigative focus turns to where it should have been all along, toward how this “fraudulent issue” was started, by whom, and why.
Obama Putin
We know Barack Obama is a former President, but all the false attacks on President Trump regarding relations with Russia are nothing compared to the Obama administration's record that the media and the Democrats have...
During the Obama administration the hiring policy/process for air traffic controllers was changed — radically changed.  For the average person to get their head wrapped around this insane policy should be ...
Since the Hudson Institute's establishment under Herman Kahn in 1961, it emerged during the Cold War as a leading voice against the irrational madness of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD).
It was understood with the surprise election of Donald Trump that enforcement action against immigrants would increase, striking fear within our large undocumented population, the vast majority of whom have lived and worked...
On Inauguration Day 2017, the Obama administration left President Trump a severely weakened and constrained military. For the better part of a decade, President Obama allowed his administration’s sequestration to destroy the...
Trump Biden debate
Immigration Policy, one of the biggest topics of the 2016 Presidential elections, was not discussed in the first presidential and vice presidential debates.
scale of justice
The block organizer is doing, and has been doing, what he is most capable of doing: creating havoc by organizing resistance groups to commit violence, threaten Rule of Law. There is no place for this and no attorney should...
President Trump didn’t mince words: Obama is to blame for Iran’s extended reign of terror. Unlike his predecessors, President Trump isn’t afraid to attack Obama for his policies.
Since 1979, U.S.-Iran relations have been frayed to say the least. The overthrow of the Shah, a sort of U.S. ally, by the radical Islamic clerics was followed by the Iran hostage crisis which ultimately lost Jimmy Carter the...
A recent article from Prophecy News Watch tells of the plight of Americans today and how they are struggling to ‘survive’ our current economic status.  Understanding that there are those who will always be ‘at the...
It appears the past Administration would stop at nothing to boost Iran’s economy, even if it meant violating the law. For years, we imposed sanctions on Iran restricting the Ayatollah’s access to American financial...
In our last article regarding the FBI, ‘FBI Culture — Weak by Comparison‘, we showed how the FBI is being corrupted and made irrelevant — which is the 35th goal of the 
North Korea continues to be one of the great menaces of our time. Its relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them onto American shores, threatens the lives of millions and needlessly risks a major war...
I released the following statement in response to the Administration’s announcement on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA):
Cracks are forming in the iron grip of the Iranian regime. The latest wave of protests sweeping Iran demonstrates yet again that dictatorial regimes are inherently doomed because they lack the enduring consent of the people...



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