Recently, intentions have been overridden by circumstance. Starting a day with a few topics in mind, another priority intrudes on plans. I have been posting on the idea and the necessity of nullification, and had a couple...
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As we approach the two month anniversary of the murder of US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry serious controversies are coming out of this case. There are questions the family of Brian Terry deserves answers to. Senator...
Donald Trump made a surprise visit to CPAC 2011 to annouce his potential bid for Republican nominee for President:I deal with people from China, I deal with people from Mexico. Other countries view our leaders as weak and...
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich making a grand entrance to a standing ovation of presidential proportions. Looks like a president entering Congress for a State of the Union Address.
Raul Labrador, U.S. Representative from Idaha, was born in Puerto Rico. As a Latino, he opens by taking note of the diversity represented by the speakers present today. He gives a stirring story about coming to the U.S. and...
Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin takes the podium. Ron Johnson defeated Russ Feingold in Wisconsin for Senate.I spoke at a tea party event and I spoke about the effect of government regulation on jobs. But at the time, we...
Today is the first day of the Conservative Political Action Conference being held in Washington, DC February 10-12th.Chairman of the American Conservative Union David Keene opens up the conference by saying, "This year, we'...
The following came in from the National Republican Congressional Committee:As business leaders this week shine light on the job-destroying effects of the excessive regulatory spree undertaken by President Obama and...
The following came in from the Republican Party of Texas:The legislative session continues apace with much activity this week!Tuesday morning, Governor Rick Perry delivered the State of the State address in the House Chamber...
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The point I walked away from this program with is that Security and national safety are major concerns for all Americans. When we, as Republicans allow Democrats to shut this discussion down with charges of racism and...
Congressman Paul Ryan hit the mark when he took the podium at CPAC.  Ryan declared that the nation is at "halftime." "The first half of this fight was one where we saw the left unpluged. We saw what they want to do. The...
As the leader of one of America's most conservative organizations, the NRA, Wayne LaPierre stepped to the podium to address CPAC about the gun industry, the second amendment and American freedom.Because of the last election...
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Congressman Rick Santorum talked about American exceptionalism. Said Obama really does not belive American is exceptional. Criticized the Obama apology tour.
Sen Mitch McConnell - No Republican Fingerprints on the ObamaCare Bill. Liberals are on the run. "Oberman is out and Reagan is in!" LIberala are all out praising Reagan because they want you to forget what they have been...
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Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD) Tea Party Freshman in the US House of Representatives. This is an excellent time to be a conservatie. Praised CPAC for their ongoing efforts.I am nobody special. I am just a farmer. I know what the...
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Sen. Pat Toomey R-PA Talked about his decision to run against Sen. Spector. He felt Republicans were not following the Conservative agenda they were elected to uphold. "We don't have to apoligize for being conservative....
In my last post, I again made reference to the idea that states ought to refuse to comply with unconstitutional federal directives. There is affirmation for such nullification in the founding era, explicitly discussed in...
The committee assignments are in for the Texas House of Representatives.  A complete list of all committee assignments can be found on the official website of the Texas Legislature. The chair and vice-chair assignments are...
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A radical Muslim Imam, Said Jaziri, was captured recently crossing the US/Mexico border in southern California according to LA Times and the UK Daily Mail, once again proving the point that border security is as much about...



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