Immigration Reform

Our immigration system in this country is broken. Executive action does not solve the problem but neither would any attempt at a mass deportation. The United States needs to identify the people who are here and ensure they are properly taxed. 

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"When you set the bar low, you jump low," said US Rep. and retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West (R-FL) quoting one of his jump instructors from his early Army training.  That is exactly what we have been doing in the House of...
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It is not often that one gets to witness history in the making, but that may be exactly what happened last night as I watched Texas State Representative John Garza (R-San Antonio) introduce a resolution for the Texas...
The Latino National Republican Coalition of Texas (LNRC) applauds the work of members from the Hispanic Republican Conference of the Texas House for filing House Concurrent Resolution 88 (HCR 88) relating to immigration. We...
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It is refreshing to see my fellow conservative Republican Steve Hotze bring a free market perspective to the issue of illegal immigration. For too long we have allowed outside interest groups funded by zero population growth...
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Illegal immigration from what Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) refers to as OTMs (Other than Mexican) has grown rapidly in the past ten years. One of the fastest growing numbers is illegal immigrants from India. In...
Congressman Lamar Smith (TX-21), Chairman of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, took some time out of his busy schedule last week to share his thoughts with the TexasGOPVote community. As Chairman of the House Judiciary...
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News just in from the US Attorney's office in Phoenix about suspects in the US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's murder.  In a statement from US Attorney's spokesman Robbie Sherwood, two suspects have already pled guilty...
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A radical Muslim Imam, Said Jaziri, was captured recently crossing the US/Mexico border in southern California according to LA Times and the UK Daily Mail, once again proving the point that border security is as much about...
No! In 2010, Arizona was condemned by the Obama Administration for its efforts to enforce immigration laws on its own. I strongly believe Arizona has the right to try to solve its problems, especially when the federal...
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The Washington Post reports that, once again, shots have been fired from Mexico into the United States.  This time, drug cartels, fired at road workers in Hudspeth County, Texas.
“We live in a country where dreams still come true and for that reason and many others, America is worth fighting for and America is worth dying for.” - Former US Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales
While other American states and municipalities are scrambling in dealing with a porous border and a federal government that appears to care more for NCAA Brackets and Brazil’s energy development, Texas Republicans again cut...
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The murder of US Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and the ATF's bungling of "Project Gunrunner" have finally caught the attention of the mainstream media (MSM) or at least that of CBS News.
Mandatory E-verify, and Arizona style bills, will do nothing to secure the border. They will create unfunded mandates for law enforcement and they will drive undocumented workers away from tax-paying employers and deeper...
“This is the reality experience of Juarez, this is Border Reality.”- Brother Nick Gonzalez speaking of the many murders happening on the Texas Mexican border
What happens when a company gets caught ignoring the law? An investigative news team from Atlanta's Fox 5 News recently found out when it took a hidden camera onto a government-funded public school construction site....
See also updated post with subsequent information about this case: US Attorney to deport three suspects in Brian Terry murder, getting witnesses out of town?In the vacuum of information about the murder of Border...
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Thirty-three days is now the life expectancy of a police chief in Nuevo Laredo. And actually, in comparison, this chief outlived some of his predecessors. Retired Army Brigadier General Manuel Farfan had served his country...
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A YouTube video of two girls scaling an Arizona border fence has brought into question the effectiveness of border fences and the Secure Fence Act. This video was brought to my attention by Sally MacDonald of Houstons Fox 26...
“To sum the matter up, the authorities are afraid, men with property and families are afraid, employees and decent workmen are afraid, and the only people who have nothing to fear at present are the criminals”. - Hans L...



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