private sector

Yellow Pages Press Conference and PS 068 - Copy.jpg
On Tuesday, I was proud to join my colleagues in launching the Yellow Pages Caucus with a press conference outside of the Capitol. Currently, the Federal government owns and operates hundreds of activities that are...
What if the Economy should improve between now and November?All of the Republicans and Obama agree that jobs need to be created. They just differ on HOW to create the jobs—the private sector or the...
I want to welcome all of you to this Texas Workforce Commission annual conference and thank you for all you do to help make the Texas’ labor market the strongest in the nation.When I spoke to you one year ago, we faced a...
In the 1990’s, Stanley Greenberg and Ruy Teixeira developed a Democratic strategy to win back the white working class voting bloc. However, today Mr. Teixeira has moved toward a new strategy to replace the white working...
Right now, more than 13 million Americans are unemployed, and our country is in desperate need of job creation and economic development. If President Obama is serious about putting Americans back to work, he would look no...
House Republicans have taken another step to protect the American labor force. The passage of the Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act will shield the cement industry from one of many onerous government regulations the Obama...
Earlier today, I previewed on Fox News President Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress tonight.The President's policies during the first two years of his Presidency have not only been ineffective in dealing with the...
National unemployment remains stubbornly high, with the latest figures for July showing 9.1 percent unemployment. Even Texas – which has done better than any other state in the nation in adding private sector jobs over the...
Democrats, deluded media and leftist academicians and other “experts,” are as usual, much on about the urgency to add “revenue” measures to a debt-reduction program. By this, of course, they mean tax increases, and...
As Republicans we believe in the free market. We believe the private sector is where innovation will occur and that government programs could be more efficient if businesses got involved.
Tom Pauken is Chairman of the Texas Workforce Commission. The Texas Workforce Commission is a state agency dedicated to helping Texas employers, workers and communities prosper economically. For details on TWC and the...
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of...
As American families continue struggling to make ends meet in the Obama economy, House Republicans are committed to protecting all workers from tax increases and putting an end to reckless government spending. I am...
Today, the House approved my amendment to the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act (H.R. 10) – legislation that would require congressional approval of any federal regulation with an economic impact...
Today, I released the following statement in response to the House’s passage of a repeal to the 3% withholding tax set to take effect in January 2013:Now more than ever, the American people demand and deserve for Congress to...
Devastating wildfires across Texas in recent weeks have been the most visible evidence of a year-long drought that Texas officials have declared to be the worst on record. Behind the highly visible carnage caused by the...
As the Republican candidates for president travel to the early primary states, we are hearing a lot about jobs and job creation. This is natural, considering that president Obama is about to give a major speech on jobs...
America faces its most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression. While the finance economy has improved somewhat since the bursting of the credit bubble in 2008, the labor market economy continues to languish...
The following letter by me appeared in Sunday’s edition of the Dallas Morning News:Dear Editor,“High joblessness may be ‘normal,’” was the headline of a story in Monday’s Business section of the News.When it comes...
Washington, D.C. - Congressmen Kevin Brady and Jim Matheson today released the following statement in response to the Administration’s opposition to lowering tax barriers to encourage American companies with earnings...



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