
Republicans must come together to stand for policies that strengthen the core of society: The traditional family. Marriage must be protected. Life must be respected. Liberals suggest the policies we embrace are “divisive wedge issues,” but they could not be more wrong. Policies that strengthen the family are essential to a GOP that keeps its core conservative principles.
Recently, a friend of mine was arguing with me that atheism should be embarrassed because "no one has ever been murdered in the name of atheism." It was explained that the greatest violence in world history was due to...
Panelists at the Una Nacion Under God – A Dialogue: The panel consisted of Ivan Andarza, an immigration attorney, Dr Alex Mendes Director of Hispanic Ministries, Evangelical Free Church of America, Dr Richard Land...
The Obama Administration's lack of leadership on the threats from North Korea proves a pivotal point that has been recognized by political observers dating back to Thucydides: domestic politics influence foreign affairs. One...
Disgraced Democrats know that there is life after rehab. It doesn’t matter whether you are an alcoholic, drug-addicted crackhead like Marion Barry, or a womanizing fraud like Bill Clinton; you have a place in the Democrat...
A woman in Lumberton, TX shot and stopped a robber Sunday morning before sunrise. This was not just any robber. This robber was part of a group of men who had gone on a crime spree over the past 2 weeks in Beaumont's West...
Special Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) risk their lives and the safety of their families to protect and serve, yet politicians in Washington, D.C. have left many of them stranded, without fuel, and...
The government is rapidly making policy changes that deal with marriage, guns, the military, immigration and nearly every other facet of our public and private lives. These changes are taking place rapidly because...
On Saturday, Mar. 30, the bodies of 23-year Army veteran and Kaufman County District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife Cynthia were found in their home, the victims of an apparent assassination.Speaking on condition of...
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. - John 11:25-26
For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him might not parish but might have eternal life. - John 3:16First saying Nailing Jesus to the cross “Then Jesus said, “...
I had the privilege of addressing the Republican Party’s Growth and Opportunity Project these past few weeks on how the party can better connect with Hispanic voters. Whether well meaning or otherwise, the Republican Party...
Travis Harris was just beginning a robbing bender in Miami. But then Travis made a very bad decision when he thought he saw a potentially great mark in a family having lunch at Burger King. Travis brandished his hand gun and...
You have likely heard about Bill O’Reilly’s “Bible Thumper” comment. I personally gave it very little thought, but my Lutheran preacher, Dr. Laurence L. White could not ignore it. His response is below.Reverend White is...
The Iron Lady: A hard nickname to bear, but, as the Bible says in Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Young people need people to inspire them and sharpen them, as Margaret Thatcher...
Roger Ebert, long-standing film critic first famous for the 23 year running “Siskel and Ebert” has died.Roger and Gene battled wits weekly and made famous the “Thumbs up/Thumbs down” rating system for movies.Obama was quick...
News coverage of the assassinations of Kaufman County, TX Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse, District Attorney Mike McLelland, and McLelland's wife Cynthia has turned to the alleged involvement of a group named the...
Polygamy is the slippery slope of what will be allowed after we finish debating same-sex marriage. Jonathan Turley, a constitutional legal scholar, has already set the groundwork for the legalization of polygamy. Turley...
An exchange between Planned Parenthood Alisa Snow and Representative Jim Boyd: "So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief," said Rep. Jim Boyd. "If a...
Thanks to the efforts of Lady Bird Johnson and thousands of volunteers at the National Wildflower Research Center, driving the highways and backroads of Texas in the springtime is a thing of beauty and grandure. It is a...
While the debate centers on gay marriage, what is missing is a serious discussion about the family breakdown. Jonah Goldberg wrote a piece recently about how Dan Quayle was right about the family's collapse twenty years ago...



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