United States

My good friend and editor of HollywoodRepublican.net, Frank DeMartini, has always expressed his doubt that Hillary Clinton would actually run for office. As of now, she is the overwhelming favorite, even with the poor roll...
With our recent celebration of Independence Day, I talked to Kevin Gutzman, author of (among other titles) James Madison and the Making of America, about the American Revolution. We subscribe to the out-of-fashion...
Dr. Ben Carson is the antithesis of Barack Obama, which is to say, Dr. Carson is logical and competent. He doesn’t just work on brains, he actually USES his!Dr. Carson make a lot of sense, and that vexes the Left.Only the...
"Why politics?" I am often asked, “What in the world made you decide to participate in politics?” Texas politics is well known to be a tumble-and-rumble sport. It is one of the most gruesome, unforgiving,...
Right now, our country is in the middle of an unprecedented energy boom—since 2008, domestic oil production has risen by more than 66 percent. Technological advances and new discoveries have made American energy independence...
I expect this will be typical of others who even discuss the movie at all. The movie reporting web site, IMDb had a short review of the movie "America: Imagine The World Without Her," in a report titled, "Lionsgate to...
Today I released the following statement regarding the June unemployment report:While I am pleased that some Americans have been able to find work in the last month, Democrat policies continue to hinder the economy from the...
U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) today announced that they are accepting applications for two judicial vacancies in Texas. The Senators established a bipartisan panel of leading attorneys and judges in...
Don't shake hands was heard across the baseball playing field after the game was called. Never in the hundreds of baseball games that I have attended have I witnessed such poor sportsmanship.This was an especially disturbing...
I applaud the Supreme Court’s decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby to rebuke President Obama’s overreach and protect religious freedom. I am very glad the Supreme Court once again rebuked President Obama’s overreach...
Houston, TX -- The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Partnership for a New American Economy, American Farm Bureau Federation, Business Roundtable, AmericanHort, Western Growers, and the National Association of Manufacturers today...
Congress passed the Clean Water Act in 1972 to ensure the federal government and states would work together to efficiently reduce pollution in our nation’s waterways. And in the last forty years, the Administration has...
While watching the Megyn Kelly drilling of Bill Ayers, several thoughts popped into my mind. The first is how does a known terrorist and Marxist become an accepted part of the Chicago political establishment? Imagine the...
Five years ago, companies were building terminals to import natural gas at the cost of billions of dollars because analysts agreed that the United States' economy was going to need natural gas from overseas. Today that...
As America celebrates the 238th anniversary of our Independence this July 4th, I wanted to share a story with you all about Francis Scott Key and Sam Houston, two very important men to not only our country, but our great...
To all Veterans:You represent the the spirit that once made America a super power. I apologize that our government and some of our people do not give you the respect and services you deserve, in spite of the fact that we all...
A few days ago on June 26th, during the O’Reilly Factor seen on FOX TV, Bill O’Reilly made an extreme request. He asked the listening audience that maybe it was time to Boycott Mexico because of all the unattended minor...
Here in the Land of the Free, we value our rights. Our Founding Fathers set forth clear protections in the Bill of Rights to ensure all Americans would enjoy basic freedoms. And now when any federal politician or law...
In 1996, Al Salvi appeared to be a tough opponent in a political race against Dick Durbin to fill an open Senate seat. Close to the election, Salvi was hit with charges of violating campaign laws and found himself on the...
Having met Dinesh D'Souza briefly, having seen his first movie 2016 and read that book, and now having seen the new movie America—Imagine the World without Her...



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