Mainstream Media

Two years ago, my good friend Richard Nadler passed away. Mr. Nadler was a genius who saw opportunities in expanding the conservative majority while implementing the plans to do just that. As President of Americas PAC, I...
Long form birth certificate 61 10641 finally happened; Obama has released his long form birth certificate amidst all the controversy that Donald...
I have now been in 57 states and I think one left to go… Barack Obama During his campaignWhy Obama won his election and can win again in 2012. You may truly believe that Obama is not re-electable, but I disagree. As...
In comments after the post, “Nullification News And Thoughts,” I responded to a comment that making such an assertion will require courage; I responded that yes, it will require courage AND understanding… Popular education...
Once again liberal hypocrisy is on full display and in such a beautiful way in Wisconsin. Due to a multi-billion dollar budget deficit, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has decided to take on the unions who are...
Watch this video and learn how liberal journalists think. This humorous but educational video shows a liberal woman explaining to her co-worker that the government should have more control over the media and that she does...
First off my heart goes out to the families of all the victims that were murdered yesterday. My prayers go out to the injured victims and wish them a speedy recovery. I really did not want to have to write this blog because...
So husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. - Ephesians 5:28*Continued on from "My Personal Encounters with Muslims and their Treatment of Women - Part I"Do I...
WJLA-TV ABC7s veteran anchorman Doug McKelway has been fired for a verbal dispute with the stations director after McKelway broadcasted a "sharply worded live report about congressional Democrats and President Obama."It all...
For those who always believed that the media is biased toward the left, they now have all the evidence they ever needed to prove the point.
“They think it’s the center of the universe.” Former US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, speaking of Washington DCIt is not every day you get to sit down with a former US Attorney General. Though, it is every day that we...
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“Good start, long way to go”. “Step in the right direction, a small step.” John BoehnerUS DEBT CLOCK.ORGDid we win? Did the American people win? The dust has not yet settled because it seems that the Socialists/Democrats are...
I recently caught up with Brandon Darby in Silsbee, Texas. The former prominent Leftie community organizer turned hero and patriot was working on bringing attention to what has been dubbed the Silsbee Rape Case. I took this...
The Washington Post published an article on Feb. 28, 2011 by Lon Montgomery entitled “GOP spending plan would cost 700,000 jobs, new report says”. The article goes on to quote Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s...
Arianna Huffington merger with AOL is simply an evolution of the media world, but the real question is - What does AOL get for their $315 million? Before becoming infected with leftist populism, Huffington began her career...
"My sincere condolences are offered to the family of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of today's tragic shooting in Arizona. On behalf of Todd and my family, we all pray for the victims and their families, and...
“To sum the matter up, the authorities are afraid, men with property and families are afraid, employees and decent workmen are afraid, and the only people who have nothing to fear at present are the criminals”. - Hans L...
The national news has been swarmed with Tea Party headlines lately. Exactly what they stand for and what they hope to accomplish in Washington has not really been publicized by the mainstream media. So of course political...
When Republicans have competitive primaries, they are called Civil Wars; when Democrats have competitive primaries, they are called primaries.



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